Today was officially the last day of summer. Too bad it was such a gloomy and rainy day. But...when life gives you gotta make lemonade, right?

Every time I looked out the window seemed the rain had stopped....then the second I would step run an errand, pick Sophia up from school, or take Willie seemed it would just pour again. Argggghhh....I was irritated. But Sophia....loved every drop....because she couldn't feel one single one beneath all of her layers of rain gear! She was so excited to wear her new Hello Kitty raincoat and rain boots....and she looked darn cute in it!!! You'd think she was meeting Hannah Montana or something with the amount of time she spent getting ready.....too bad our destination was only the Walgreens just down the street!!
After two soccer games this weekend....I guess I was just a little happy about the rain today because it meant....
no soccer practice tonight!!! Hooray!
So, instead we spent the afternoon reading books...

playing hide and seek and of course singin' and dancin'! Check out our superstar's new microphone....She's a natural, don't you think?

And she's not just a singing superstar....Sophia is our new SOCCER star too! She had her first two soccer games this past weekend! She went from kicking the ball into the wrong goal during the first game to scoring a "legitimate" goal on her second game! WOW....she certainly did not get her athletic abilities from her mama!!!! She had quite the audience with Yiayia, Pappou, Omi, Papa, Thea, and Eryn all cheering her on! We loved watching her run her little heart out! She was so proud of herself!!!
Here are some pictures before her game on Saturday...

And here are a few more on the field and after the game. A Chic-fil-a lunch was definitely in order after all of her hard work!

Little Joe was busy checking out the girls his own age during the game. He just couldn't get enough of this little girl who was trying to sneak in a little nap! Awww too cute!