All the other schools in our area have been in school for a week...and today it was officially OUR FIRST day of SECOND grade!
Sophia looks so bright eyed and well-rested in these never would have guessed that she had been up crying twice during the middle of the night.....She told me her foot hurt and that it was really cold. I worried that she was just sick and didn't want to tell me because she was afraid she would miss her first day....(you know how this girl LOVES school). But we took her temp and all was I figured...maybe her foot was asleep or maybe her allergies were bothering her...and she went back to sleep. I was pretty exhausted this morning ....usually we are only awakened by Mr. Sam throughout the night..but last nite we had two little night owls.
And can you tell she really is a big kid you like the peace sign she insisted on holding up for the picture?
Ready to go! And Big J is pretty excited about the first day too!
What a cutie!
Thankfully... Daddy followed all of us to he could sit in the car with the boys while I walked Sophia in. She seemed a bit more nervous than usual....She so adored her first grade teacher last year....and I think upon meeting this year's teacher at orientation....she was a bit worried that things might be a little different in second grade.
She was not too keen on me taking pictures inside but I snapped a few anyway.
Here she is in her classroom hanging up her "Nera" :)
I wanted to get a picture of her at her desk but didn't feel like the teacher wanted parents in the classroom. I watched in the doorway as Sophia took a paper to her teacher and her teacher gave her the bottom portion back and said to put it in her bag to give back to me....then the teacher saw me still standing at the door and said..." Oh I guess you can just give it to her... I didn't realize she was STILL here." Oops! I still wish I could have gotten that picture of her at her desk....but I took that as a hint that it was time for me to leave:(
The boys and I then headed to Church for the first all school Mass of the year. Thankfully we were met by Yiayia who helped keep J in line:) We waited in the front entrance after Mass to watch Sophia walk out with her class....she looked a bit nervous....and I left feeling a little worried that her usual first day enthusiasm was not quite all there.
We were home by 10 am and it literally felt like we had already been up for 10 hours! J and I had lots of fun playing Legos, and cars and reading books. Sam had to adjust to two earlier in the day naps and did pretty well, and Joseph had a little too much fun pushing him a little too hard in the Johnny Jump up! We made a picture book for Sophia so we could show her all the things we did while we waited for her to come home.
Then it was off to pickup...and oh my...this is always a treat on the first day....CRAZINESS! I didn't park close I had to get both boys out so we could keep an eye out for was HOT....
She told me all about her day....and J showed her the book about our day. She seemed pretty worn out to me.....still seemed a little nervous....not my usual "I LOVE school Sophia," but still pretty excited about all her new supplies and especially the new pink highlighter she was given. She told me her favorite part of her day was gym and music...
We did our first day of school work, had a warm chocolate chip cookie for snack, relaxed with a little Miss Spider....took baths early so Daddy could do dinner.....while I headed off to J's preschool orientation! Whew... what a day. I made it home in time to practice some Math facts with Sophia...give Sam a bath and get them in bed. Day one...and we made it. (Thank goodness soccer practice was cancelled b/c of the heat...not quite sure how we could have fit that in today!) I went to wash my face....( of course the beginning of the year stress always wreaks havoc on my forehead...taking suggestions for skincare Thea and Yiayia......) but before I could decide which soap to use... I had a visitor.....Sophia came back down to just tell me she loved me. She looked like she was going to cry and I asked her what she was upset about....She told me.... she missed me at school..... OH how my heart melted.... I never wanted her to feel this way about was the way I felt when I was little......and it was a horrible feeling to be scared and worried and to miss all the comforts of home. I assured her that she would be fine and that I would be up at school VERY the lunchroom next week in fact. I think she just might need to make a trip to her first grade room tomorrow to visit her old teacher... I know she will put her right at ease.
Oh... I hope this was just first day jitters..... I am praying that her day is worry-free tomorrow. She is looking forward to a trip to McDonald's for ice cream after pick up!!!!