It has been a busy week at our house this filled with Halloween parties, parades, parent teacher conferences, etc.
The week began with a Halloween party in Sophia's dance class. She chose to wear her "Mary had a little lamb" costume. Thankfully I took this picture before her little performance b/c... in trying to carry Mr. Sammy and keep J under control... I must have dropped my camera phone on the seat in the car and wasn't able to take pictures of the actual performance:(
Poor little Willie finally had his surgery on Wednesday morning to remove the mass that has been growing on his back. They had to make a much larger incision than we anticipated...poor little Willie....It is definitely a nasty battle wound.
Here he is right when he came home...still groggy...and his poor fur is messy, messy.... He also got his teeth cleaned which explains his matted face:(
Sophia also had her Halloween party at school on Wednesday. I didn't think I would be able to go...but Yiayia spent her birthday helping me out the day of Willie's surgery...thank you...thank you....and she and Thea stayed in the afternoon so I could go to the party without the boys.... It was supposed to be an "All Saints Day" party....students were not allowed to dress up in Halloween costumes...but the parent helpers did..hmmmm.... This mother was pretty scary looking with her scary contacts.....I tried to get a picture of Sophia peering inside her "cauldron" where the students had to find plastic body parts (ears, feet, etc) among macaroni and other things... YUCK. Making the mummy out of the juice box was much more up my alley.
Sam was making his own fun with the vacuum cleaner the other night and I tried to get some pictures of his smiles... I'm sure he will be best friends with the vacuum soon since it pretty much runs non-stop at our house. Have I ever mentioned that my boys are
slightly messy eaters????
And I ALWAYS love the smiles I get from this little guy... even if they are mischievous ones....:)
And here is sweet Willie bear on day two.... we put one of Brett's old t-shirts on him so he wouldn't want to try to scratch the incision site. He has been such a trooper...still doesn't want to miss a beat....still wags his tail even when he is hurting and tired. We are praying for good results when we get the biopsy results back early next week.

Thursday, Sophia got to take a trip with her Brownie Troop to a Bakery.... and J and I got to tag along! Soooo much fun for me to watch the bakers in action and ask them questions!!! They were incredibly sweet and even made a home-made tossed pizza for the kids to see....and of course sample!! Yum! We also had Sophia's parent teacher conference that afternoon..... She, of course, received a super report from her teacher. We are so proud of her. I don't think I've ever met a 7 1/2 year-old (it was her half birthday today:) with such determination and dedication. Now if only she could share some of that with her younger brother...Oh my... I'm thinking J's conferences might be a bit different when he gets to second grade.....What we have to look forward to... HA!
And finally.... we made it to Friday. Sophia had the day off again...but J had preschool and his special Halloween parade and party. He wore his race car driver costume and proudly waved and showed it off during the parade!! I just don't think he can get any cuter.
I loved the costumes his friends wore. One little girl was a darling pink flamingo...and another was an adorable Madeline. Her mother and I chatted about how we would so much rather our little girls learn French in they could be just like sweet Madeline. Thea got Sophia onto those books and cartoons and we just adore that Madeline!!!!
And J's teacher was a perfect "Cat in the Hat!"
Of course I was running a bit behind this morning when I realized Sammy actually needed a warm coat this morning (the parade was outside). I quickly ran to his closet and found a jacket his GodMommy gave was a 2T....but I was desperate...and guess fit!!!!! Hooray!!! I love this little boy more and more each day...not sure how that is possible...but it is. He goes for his 9 month well visit next week....already missing those newborn days:(
Miss S and I had just a little bit of time to ourselves without the boys between the parade and Halloween she helped me package some Halloween cookies and we sure had fun delivering them later in the day!'s Friday night....I feel a little bit of relief that this week is almost over! Just two more soccer games and a fun trip to the rodeo tomorrow....
Happy Happy Weekend!