Friday, December 28, 2012

All I want for Christmas...

What a nice surprise this year to find that ALL 3 actually smiled while on Santa's lap!  We saw Santa at Church like we do every year and S and J were well prepared to give their wishes!
Sophia asked Santa for the McKenna American Girl doll and for the DS she has been wanting ohhhh so badly for quite some time now.  J asked for a remote control helicopter, cars and a crane.  S and J went through catalogs from the mail to cut and paste on their trees we made this year....They even came up with a wish list for Sammy including a remote control fire truck and a my-pad:)

Love Sophia's expression down below as she is listening to J talk...and Santa's face....hahaha too funny!

Thanksgiving 2012

Yes I am just getting around to posting our Thanksgiving pictures.  We took a few pictures in the morning in hopes of getting a good picture for our Christmas card before heading to Omi and Papa's for Thanksgiving lunch:)

After our tummies were full and the boys napped we headed down to the plaza for our annual tradition of watching the lights go on!  We lucked out with beautiful not so cold temps this year!

The kids look forward to this every year... Sam and J were especially looking forward to the fireworks this year that go along with the lights;)

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Halloween 2012

I am bound and determine to play catch up on this blog!!  Having to backtrack a bit to Halloween...

And I am glad I actually got a few pictures of the kids at Trunk or Treat in their costumes...because Halloween night went by so quickly and the kids, in their excitement, did not cooperate for pictures... But who can blame them...they were ready for the fun!

Here is J all ready for his parade at preschool!

Love that smile!

Here are the three really excited to head out the door!

And it wouldn't be a party without Bert and Ernie...right?

Well...they definitely got some good use out of their costumes this year after all of the parades, parties, trunk or treat, and trick-or-treating.   And when all was said and done, they came home with WAAAAYYY too much chocolate...which isn't always a bad thing...right?

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Trunk or Treat 2012

I realized I hadn't yet posted the pictures from Trunk or Treat....and figured I'd better do that before the Trick-or Treating pics to come tomorrow.  It was a chilly Trunk or Treat this year....but all three made it  and had a great time....J wasn't feeling 100%.  Poor guy was battling his allergies and asthma...but thank you Nebulizer and Prednisone (once he could choke it down) for getting him through the worst of it! I think Sam rode around in the stroller last year...but this year he was definitely a big boy and ready to try to keep up with the big kids and walk!  He was pretty serious the whole time...but definitely had a TIGHT grip on his candy bucket.  He wouldn't even let me help him carry it!!

If you could only see me trying to take pictures of all three kids in the same spot....oh    Sophia and Joseph are definitely becoming professionals, but sitting in one spot is still pretty painful for Sam! Haha!

I am laughing at this picture down below...I can just hear myself yelling at them all to look at me...and poor j...the look on his face says it all..enough already, Mama!

My blue-eyed girl...actually looks pretty good with pink hair...don't ya think?  S was so excited about this costume when she picked it out in a magazine...because she loved the hair.... but when she actually put it on....she told me she wasn't going to wear it... WHAT???? I told her the itchy feeling would go away after a while...and she really needed to wear it because after all... what is a Go-go girl with out big, pink hair?

I didn't force a lot of pictures when we were actually there...mostly because I was too cold to stand still long enough to take the pictures:)

Sophia and Kristin...

Love the back of her hair!

Sammy and his stash!

Already loving his chocolate...that's my boy!!!

We celebrated Yiayia's birthday on Saturday... The kids loved going out to eat with Yiayia and Pappou and Thea.... and of course we ended the night with cake....and ummmm... I started cutting the cake before I realized that we had forgotten to light the candles and sing Happy Birthday!  Sorry, Yiayia!!

And we also celebrated a HALF birthday on Sunday....always a big deal at our house for this little girl.

She and I stopped for a little half birthday treat while we were shopping for basketball shorts and socks:)

And finally....we attempted to carve our pumpkins....or I  attempted at least!

So Halloween tomorrow....and Christmas just around the corner....;)

Friday, October 26, 2012


Clearly...I have been missing the boat on my blog posts as of late, but definitely not because I am lacking pictures.  I glanced at the pictures shuffling through my screen saver the other day and realized I had so many pictures I have never shared.  Most of them are not great photographs (lots are phone and Instagram pics)....most are not of some paramount event....but ALL of them are important to me....

So today...I'm going to share them all... just the day to day.... because none of it is ever mundane to me:)  And years from now... I know they will all be memories I won't want to forget;)

A sure sign Fall is here...

Pumpkin painting at Omi and Papa's.

J and Auntie E

Our resident artist tried to recreate the Hungry Caterpillar on Sammy's shirt.  I think she did a great job!

Silly J!

Fun trip down memory lane...KU bookstore after a football game;) I think J is already pondering his major in this picture.  Doesn't he look scholarly?

One day I looked back in the car and this is what I saw....

So proud of little J's handwriting.  Are all of my kids going to be lefties???

The boys and I take every chance we get to play at the park...we will definitely miss these opportunities when the weather turns colder:(

Tuckered out.

Cowboy Day for 4-year old preschool.

Just a "girls' day" visiting Harry Truman's House and the Truman Library.

Brownie Mini Campout

They clean up pretty nicely...huh?
All ready for Auntie E's rehearsal dinner......really blurry iphone pic:(

Loving her bling!

The Petersons!

He is crazy handsome...isn't he?

Dance parties have become a regular nightly event at our house.

Wille bear...poor guy....just hasn't been feeling 100%... but still the cutest ever especially straight out of the bath...

Another soccer season in the books.  This one ended with a win and THREE goals scored by this soccer star!

A little treat from Sophia for her Mama...

This boy is serious!

Sam's first gymnastics class.

S and J got to tag along....

A breakfast treat....

All of us in ONE spot:)

Nothing like a bombardment of random pictures!! And I have a feeling I will have another set with Halloween right around the corner;)