Monday, February 4, 2013

Sam's TWO year well check

Sam had his two year well check today....but unfortunately he had to share his appointment with a sick brother:(  Poor J....has not been feeling too hot today.

Sam, however, was healthy today which doesn't happen too frequently!! But he wasn't able to escape without having to get 3 shots....ugggghhhhh.  He still screams just when the doctor checks his you can imagine the crying that ensues when shots are involved.

I talked at length with the doctor about Sam's sleep habits and how he wakes so frequently at night even at TWO.  Lately  he will sleep until about 12:30 and then have very restless sleep periods until about 3 or 4.  He cries hard and often is standing in his bed sometimes even with his eyes closed.  Other times I will sit by his door and try to let him cry it out....until I eventually hear him climb out of his bed....oh dear.   This has been a new routine for him during naptime as well.  I have found him in J's bed on many occasions during nap time.  He's quite the stinker!

Sam's speech and language has also been a HUGE concern of mine for quite some time and the doctor finally agreed today that a more formal speech eval may be in order at this point.  He definitely is receptive to what we say....but expressively....the words are slow to come.  He has made great gains, I think, though in his expressive language skills as of late.... Some of the words he can say...
Mama, Daddy, Yiayia, Pappou, Papa, Willie, attempts at both Sophia and Joseph, car, bye bye, choo chop, quack quack, lollipop, football, cheese, water, please, thank you, shoe, coat, night night, vacuum, sorry.

Sam is definitely a busy busy little guy.  He is into absolutely everything.  He draws on walls, he empties sugar containers, he climbs in dryers, ovens, anything his little self can fit into.  He opens doors and goes outside.  He hides toothbrushes.  He takes off his shoes and socks immediately after I put them on.  He is sneaky, he hides, and jumps out and says BOO!  To say he keeps me on my toes is definitely an understatement. He smiles so much more now than he did as a baby.  He still loves to be held and patted.  He loves to hear "Twinkle Twinkle"  He loves to touch anyone's hair.  I love that he still loves to be picked up at times... I love how he falls asleep when I talk or read...probably because I talk way too much.  He exhausts me to no end...but what a personality he has.  He is strong willed and determined....He will teach me something new or prepare me for something different each and every day.....Though I can't remember what my life was like before's still hard to believe that TWO WHOLE years have already passed.  He may not stay little in size for long...but I sure hope he can stay a baby for a little while longer!

TWO YEAR stats:

Height:  38 3/4 inches   greater than 95th %

Weight:  36 lbs (ONLY one pound less than his five year old brother...WOW)  greater than 95%

Head Circumference:  20 1/2  greater than 95%

Sam is TWO

Sam celebrated his big TWO years this last weekend.  And I was lucky enough to steal him away from his brother and sister for a while for a few "just me" pics:)

We celebrated his special day with dinner and of course chocolate cake.

Car cookies seemed the perfect accompaniment for the little boy whose every other word is CAR!

He was so excited about his party and blowing out the candles on his cake...but really could have cared less about opening his presents.  He was perfectly content letting big sister and big brother handle that task:)

Henry the vacuum was pretty much love at first sight for the little boy who could steal and play with my vacuums and mops all day!  Sophia is proud to tell everyone that he is going to be a janitor when he grows up:)

Hope you made a great wish, Sweet Sammy....

and hope all of your wishes come true!

Happy TWO!

Joseph's Five year well-check

I've always said that J's heart is almost too big for his little body....and even though he is a BIG five-year old now....he's still teeny tiny to me:)  He was so excited to lose his very first tooth the night before his 5th birthday!!  What a surprise!

His doctor visit went very health issues...just the usual allergies and occasional need for breathing treatments!

At 5 years are my little J's stats:

Height:  40 1/2 inches  6th percentile
Weight:  37 lbs  25th percentile

And since I am going back a few weeks in posting this.... I have to mention that big sister helped his second tooth to come out just a few weeks later!!!

Joseph is FIVE

It is incredibly hard for me to believe that FIVE years has gone by since the very first time I saw this sweet little boy's face.  He smiled the minute I saw him and he hasn't stopped!  He was just a wee little thing then..and not much has changed now.  But as I've always said....though he is definitely little...he sure has a huge heart.  As a baby he loved to be held and cuddled...just like today....he so freely tells me he loves me and is always offering hugs and kisses:)

He celebrated his BIG day with his preschool class and requested chocolate cupcakes with, of course, Cars wrappers.   I got to come in and read a story about the tooth fairy which was pretty exciting since J had just lost his very FIRST tooth the night before:)

He insisted on wearing his hat sideways:)  Too funny!

And brought m&ms for all of his friends since the letter of the day was M.

Back at home for lunch...Yiayia surprised him with a few small presents and a jar full of KISSES....his favorite.  

His BIG party was not planned till the weekend following his actual day but we let him open a few of his gifts on his special day:)

He picked a Winsteads dinner and opened up his new remote control flip car in the evening.

We celebrated with Thea on Saturday with a trip to LEGO land....He had been so excited to visit there:)

Learning how legos are made...

Building and racing her own lego car...

Then we headed back home for a Lego themed party...

Joseph and his buddy Will having so much fun opening

Hope you enjoyed your special day, J!  I can't believe you are FIVE!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Christmas 2013

It's always a challenge to get a picture with all three kids with smiles on their faces and looking at the camera...and this Christmas was no exception...but I think I captured a few smiles from each of them in their Christmas bests:)

Before Christmas Eve Mass

Presents and Dinner at Yiayias!  Sam loving his light up football! (one of the few words he can actually say:))

Sweet Sophia giving Yiayia the swan she had picked out for her:)

The family pic:)

J taking a moment of quiet to read his new Batman book:)

Christmas Morning:)  Santa did well...the boys were thrilled with their life-like crane.

Sophia couldn't have been happier with her DS...she finally got one and her McKenna American Girl.

Ready for Christmas cinnamon rolls;)

Love how little Sam is playing with Sophia's hair:)  He loves to touch people's hair:)

And finally....celebrating with Omi and Papa:)

Christmas always comes and goes in the blink of an eye.....It's always so fun to experience the Magic of the season through the eyes of these little ones;)