Saturday, February 22, 2014

Well checks

Both boys had their well checks a few weeks back.  Both left with zero shots and stellar reports.  Unfortunately they both developed the icky sickies a few days later ... But I think they are finally on the mend.  Ninjago building has reconvened and troublemaker Sam is back to his regular antics again ( ie locking people out of rooms, etc).  So I would say we are all well on the road to recovery!!

As for their doctor visits... I left feeling so thankful that we have been blessed with yet another year of good health.   Sometimes I think I take that for granted.   Truly we are fortunate in that regard.  We were all incredibly excited to see which of the boys weighed more.  Sam is growing by leaps and bounds..... I think he will definitely surpass his big brother in terms of size very soon.

  So..... Drumroll please.....Here are the stats:

Joseph 6 years
Height:  42 7/8 inches     10th percentile.  He was up 2 3/8 inches from last year
Weight:   41 1/2 lbs.         9th percentile.   He was up 4 1/2 pounds from last year

Samuel  3 years
Height:  40 1/2 inches     >95th percentile      He was up 1 3/4 inches from last nite. Haha
Weight:  40 1/2 pounds.   >95th percentile.    He was up 4 1/2 pounds from last year.  

So.... Sam you almost made it!!!! Watch out little J ... Sammy's right behind you;))

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Light

What can I say about this little guy?  Even though he is SIX...he is still so teeny tiny to me.  He can drive me completely NUTS some days.  He can be down right defiant if he doesn't get his way.  He is POKEY...and definitely does things at his own pace.  There are days I wonder how in the world his teacher gets him to stay on task.  But aside from all of this... my J....oh my.... deep down inside that little body is one GIANT heart.    

He loves so greatly....and hugs sooo tightly.  He knows just the right time to sneak in an "I love you, Mommy."  He fights with his little brother... and loves to tease his big sister...but he ADORES both of them and would go to the ends of the earth for either of them.  He is sensitive and compassionate.  His eyes well up with giant tears every time I sing him the "Beautiful Boy" song I used to sing to him every day as a baby.  Just the other day Sam told me "Jojeph" was his hero.  When I asked why...Sam said because "Jojeph is my best friend ever."

Everyone wants to be J's best friend...because Joseph is a friend to EVERYONE!.  His sillies...his personality...and obviously his charm... make him one incredibly loveable guy.  He was soooo excited about his valentines this excited in fact...that he addressed one to himself (and picked the best car to go with it, of course).  The last few weeks, he's been struggling with his asthma like cough and had a few bouts of the croup...and just felt down right yucky.  But...he hardly ever complains.  And I must admit... I enjoyed a little extra time with him on those sick days.  He kept saying "Mommy, it's just like old times."

So... I guess it should come as no surprise that his teachers selected him to be the recipient of the Christ Light award at his school.  He is no doubt the light of OUR life, and I know that he shines at school as well.    He always has that sparkle in his eyes!  A true Godsend....and though some days I can get so frustrated with him... I really do thank God for him

I'm so proud of you sweet little J!  You will always be my "Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful...Beautiful Boy."

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Mini Mommy

The last handful of my posts have been ALL about the boys!  January and February are full of preparations for the boys' birthdays!!! But I have to sneak in a little post about this gal....because she is my BIGGEST helper...and I couldn't get through a single day without her!!!  Some days... I get out of the shower and she has already started making the boys' beds for me.  BEST.HELPER.EVER.  I am so LUCKY.

These days I can find her either with her head buried in one of her long novels or trying to make girls and boys "crush" on each other in High School Story.  Wow...this girl is 9 1/2 going on 16.... a scary thought!!!! She loves to play with her Winx fairies and knows the stories behind each and every one of them.  She quizzes me often.

We found the most perfect Valentine idea for this little girl.  It was quite the task...especially when Sam found the work in progress and tangled all of the "earphones".   (They were iPods made of sweet tart boxes and mini Reeses peanut butter cups wrapped in foil).  Thank you Pinterest:))  But she loved how they turned out and I think her friends did too:))

She tells everyone she is 10....but I'm quick to correct.... nope... I think I'll keep her at 9 1/2 forever:))

Monday, February 10, 2014

Sam's CARS Party!

I thought for sure we would have a HUGE  Team Umizoomi Party for this little man's third birthday....but at the last minute he he surprised me with a request for a CARS party!

He LOVED his McQueen costume....  and his Winner medal.  He kept saying " I'm a WINNER!"

Besides his cookies....his only other request for his party was for Mama to make HOME-MADE pizza and CAKE!  And of course he had a few presents on his list!  He loved his new firetruck and tool belt.  Thea's crane and pizza kit ( he likes to play pizza shop in his new little play area under the stairs in the basement) were also a BIG hit!

I had to laugh when I saw this picture that Sophia took of me... I was so stressed about making sure that the pizza crust was crispy enough...that I may have started a small fire in the oven....and may have set off the fire alarm (but in my is very touchy!! hahaha).  But after all that.... I think Sam was happy with his home-made pizza!  And I may have found a new "go to" crust recipe.

Pappou and Sam watching the Superbowl....He shared his party day with the Superbowl!!

Happy with his pizza!

Thanks Nouno Dan...for getting this cute pic of the boys!

And... I thought I had sworn off making character cakes...but again.... I could not let down Sweet Sam!

Loving his medal....and J...playing tricks as usual!

There's that exciting fire truck!

Making wishes!  (Sam also requested a cookie I made a little one just for him!)

And last but not least....the cookies....McQueens...

and Maters... (whew!  these guys were exhausting to make haha!)

and whew... I think I'm ready for a little break from birthdays for a few months!!! Sammy.... I hope you loved your day as much as we LOVE you!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Happy THREE Sam!

We are supposed to get snow tonight and tomorrow...just like the day Sam was born three years ago. When we got the news that he was born...and saw a picture of his sweet face....I was so excited to hold him in my arms... and heartbroken when the closed airports and treacherous roads made my wait a little bit longer. The first flight out of KC was not until the following evening...and I didn't get to meet him officially till his third day. They put him in my arms...and he was soooo peacefully sleeping. He hardly stirred even though my heart was beating a mile a minute. Sweet sweet sammy. Of course by nightfall...we quickly learned he had only tricked us with his serene-like personality...haha! Boy was he a screamer. There was absolutely no consoling him. The only saving grace was turning on the shower, which seemed to soothe him for a good 5 minutes before another awful crying spell would begin. He definitely had a voice then... And not much has changed in three years except for his size! He was slow to say words...but oh my...once they started....they didn't stop. He still has a lot to say these days. He talks and talks and talks in that loud low little voice of his. He is headstrong, stubborn, and not always the best listener. But of course still knows how to melt this Mama's heart. He is sneaky and sly...and pretty much always causing trouble especially when he has his big brother around to be his accomplice. He loves his Sophia so incredibly much I can't even put it into words. When the older two are at school he is always asking me if it's time to pick them up. He loves to read car washes with blocks, play with his trains, and wear his construction hat. He informed us early this year that he has decided to be a heart doctor. He loves to watch Team Umizoomi and Paw Patrol. He loves to play Candy Land and his new favorite "Don't Rock the Boat." He goes crazy over trash trucks and construction sites. He loves to hide things and LOSE things. He will be the death of me. Haha. Just the other day he was insistent that he hold the mail key. I told him no...but in his sneaky way....when I was busy....he took it from my coat pocket and put it in his before deciding to throw it across the yard. GRRR and GRRR. I am constantly searching for things that he hides in the most odd places. I get so angry with him....and then he always comes back with " But am I still your bebe??" He loves haircuts....and does not like people to touch his hair (He knows that I can't resist those sweet curls) but he is constantly saying that it will mess his hair up if people touch it. Silly boy. He is growing up so fast. He is so excited that he is going potty in the big boy potty. He announced to everyone in Church after a trip to the bathroom, " I goed potty on the big boy potty!" He is so excited to go to preschool next year. I'm sure I will be able to get lots done when he is at school...BUT I don't know how I will cope without my little companion. He certainly keeps me company and makes me smile and pull my hair all at the same time!!! I am so lucky that I get to be his mommy. I love you so much sam....and yes even when you lose the mailbox key, "As long as I'm baby you'll be!" Happy, Happy THREE!!!