"Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow, for babies grow up I've learned to my sorrow. So, quiet down cobwebs and dust go to sleep. I'm rocking my baby, and babies don't keep..."
I remember reading this over and over on a tiny plaque my mother had in our old house. It seems like it has been the perfect week to post it. The last few weeks have brought about many firsts....Joseph's first time in the high chair, Joseph's first taste of baby food, Joseph's first time in the "bigger" baby bathtub, Sophia's first time to have a friend over (without her mommy), etc. All of these firsts have meant change.. Feeding and nap times have been random.... Sometimes there have been no naps at all. So, I feel like order has been lacking in my life lately. If there aren't regularly scheduled nap times, then when does the laundry get done, when is dinner made, when can I finally clean the oven so it doesn't smell like burnt quiche crust every time I turn it on????? I have been sooo worried about when I will get all of these things done. But today I realized just like the saying says, that these mundane every day chores will always be around, but I will never have a second chance to relive this time with Sophia and Joseph.
Joseph had his 6 month well visit at the doctor today. I can't believe he is already 6 months and that it was almost four years ago that I was taking Sophia to this appointment. When I looked at her health book to see what she had weighed at this age, I stopped to think about how quickly she transformed from a "baby" to the little girl she is now. It seems like yesterday. She is already talking about kindergarten and telling me that we need to get her a lunch box for when she is old enough to eat lunch at school. And as she says... "We need to buy me a new bike" (2 wheel). I will only have one chance to buy her her first lunch box and her first bike....but many chances to clean the oven and wash the floors. I have to keep reminding myself of this and put things into perspective. Someday I will miss these hectic times because I know they won't last forever.
Sweet little "Jo Jo," as Sophia calls him was excellent for his doctor's visit today even though he had FOUR shots. What a trooper. He struggles still with his bottles and reflex, but SMILES the rest of the time! He is now eating some rice cereal at breakfast, some veggies and milk at lunch, and veggies, fruit, meat and milk at dinner (with bottles in between of course). He LOVES LOVES his baby food Maybe he is taking after me....he is only in the 5th percentile for height! He weighs 15 pounds; 8.7 ounces and is 25 inches in length. He is a little thing with a BIG personality.
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