It was bitterly cold here last night... a PERFECT night to roast marshmallows! Sophia LOVES LOVES marshmallows.....and so long ago I told her we should roast them and make smores....she was very adamant that she would NOT eat the chocolate part! I kept telling her that she needed to try the chocolate part...but she can be pretty stubborn and picky about what she puts in her mouth! I don't know how....but I did convince her to try the entire smore (chocolate and all)...and guess what??? She liked it...(I keep hearing in my head, Dr. Seuss' "Green Eggs and Ham" "Try it...Try it and you may!!!" ) In fact she loved them so much she had two big ones!
Joseph enjoyed munching on the graham crackers....and had fun making me chase him away from the area of the fireplace. Oh my....he is a mischievous one, but awfully cute in his jammies. I was cleaning up graham cracker crumbs all day today...but I guess it was worth it!
By the way...daddy's smore's tasted much better than the ones I made. He claims the trick is using TWO marshmallows. Oh well... I guess I'll just stick to baking!
Oh, I wish I had a smore!!!!!!!! These pix are so cute! What a toasty thing to do ---on these cold nights--hmmmmm I'm wondering whether I can get Pappou to do it with me! On our cold cold night I just got him to play checkers!!!!!!!!! Of course, he thinks he's the star since he wins all the time! <3
Do you think I can just move in to your basement? Would Brett care? There is way more fun going on at your house than mine. xoxo
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