It's that time of year again....(not quite Thanksgiving) but my mind is already boggling with Thanksgiving dinner preparations, Christmas cards, Christmas shopping, holiday crafts, holiday baking (OF COURSE!!) and much more. So much I want to do in so little time.... I have put up my first Christmas decoration (see picture above.... a gift from my mother :) The rest of the decorations will wait till after Thanksgiving. Thinking about decorating just makes me tired and I am already tired tonight...physically and mentally.
My guy is wearing me out these days. Little J has decided he can do EVERYTHING by himself these days..... The list includes:
-climbing into the car by himself
-walking up and down the stairs by himself
-pressing elevator buttons by himself
-trying to push the syringe of amoxicillin into his mouth (for his ear infection) by himself
-walking in the street????!!!!!????? by himself
Sorry Mister..but you can not walk in the street to get the mail by yourself....even if you are pushing your lawn mower. No Sir. SORRY...not gonna budge on that....So I guess I need to apologize to all the neighbors in advance for the screaming that I'm sure will ensue each time we try to walk to get our mail. I'm hoping reality will sink in soon!!!
Anyway....the week started with a trip to Hobby Lobby....have I mentioned before how much I LOVE this store??? Because I do. I needed to get some red and green and yellow construction paper so we could make our annual Christmas countdown chains on Thanksgiving day. (And so nice that Hobby Lobby is right next to I could immediately take the paper to Mardel to cut it into strips on their fabulous cutting board, and I still had time to laminate some things that have been waiting for lamination for months! ) I admit....I did score a few other goodies at my trip to Hobby Lobby. My favorite...
Yes... finally a SCALLOPED circle cutter. I have circle cutters in all sizes....but never a scalloped one. I used to try to trace scalloped circles and then cut each little ridge out by hand... This little guy makes my life sooo much easier. I LOVE it!
We've been fortunate to still have some nice weather in November, so J and I have had some fun coasting down the driveway in his red car. He thinks it is just too much fun. I almost can't step out into the garage anymore with him....because he will refuse to get in our car if HIS red car catches his eye. And of course tears are still shed when we get in my car anyway...b/c it is not nearly as much fun as Daddy's truck!
When we haven't been outside... we've been busy crafting. Here's a picture of the new post-it holder I made since I can't ever seem to find a post-it quickly enough. Notice the scalloped circle on the design?????
And here are the santa's I'm making for the annual christmas lists. Sophia loves to cut out and paste pictures of the things she wants for Christmas on something "Christmasy." Last year her list was posted on a Christmas tree I thought Santa cut-outs would be cute for this year. I can't wait to see the pictures Sophia glues to her Santa!
And here is the completed turkey family.....mmmmm they smell good.
And while I've been busy with these things...Miss Sophia has been hard at work. I wish I could take pictures of all of her artwork....her imagination and attention to detail soooo amazes me. Here are some pictures from a book I did with her called The First Thanksgiving. Look at how great her pilgrim is!!!
I'm sure things will be a bit hectic from now till the end of January....but I think the holidays will be full of fun at our house. Christmas is such a "magical" time for the kids....seeing their excitement is one of the best parts of the season....and of course cookie baking is right up there too! :)
Speaking of cookie is one of my new most favorite blogs:
1 comment:
You are WAAAAAAAAAAY tooooo funny, Lia. Your father would be so thrilled if a simple paper cutter would thrill me as much!!!! I am so proud of Sophia--she is truly an artist. I might ask Anna if she can display in the gallery!!! :-) Ho Ho, but let's not slight Mr. Turkey!! <3 Yiayia
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