Sunday, March 7, 2010

Spring is in the air!

We were able to enjoy the beautiful weather a bit this weekend.  I hope Mr. Winter has said his final good-byes....because the fresh air and beautiful sunshine was a welcome sight!    I was able to get the kids to stop for the camera just a FEW times....they are so BUSY BUSY BUSY....footloose and fancy free as it should be!!!

Daddy....had the blower on for a few minutes, attempting to clean out the driveway after washing out the garage.  Guess who doesn't like the sound of that loud blower?  Also...notice the freshly painted new cabinet doors....mmmmmm smells like a new house.  Should be installed in about a week.

We had baths early....and Sophia finally decided she was brave enough to watch Snow White (it was actually on TV this weekend).  She LOVED it....and doesn't seem too afraid of that mean old queen, at least not yet.

And so, last but not least... I found an idea for some old paint pails....and thought it would be an inexpensive way to make some "out of the ordinary" Easter baskets.....Okay.... so I admit.... I am a bit addicted now....can't-stop-making-them........


Jenn said...

What a fun update! Those little pails are that fabric or paper?? So cute! Great shots of the kids playing outside!!


mom2four said...

Oh my... I love the look on his face when he hears the blower! Ha ha! Those pails are so great!!!

amalia said...

Yes... the pails are fun....and are made of fabric!! :)

yiayia said...

I can't tell if it's just the subject matter or that you are improving with your photographic abilities!!! I guess my vote is "the subject matter" love them! <3 Yiayia