Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Kid tested....

Sister approved...

Down right good!

I made some changes to my chocolate chip cookie recipe....I think they were some good ones.  :)

A nice end to a rather hectic day!
Here's a quick run down....

J woke up with his usual allergies being extra horrendous.  Poor little guy!!!
Despite his itchy, watery eyes and runny nose....I could not deny him the pleasure of enjoying the beautiful weather....so we went outside this morning while Sophia was at school.  Upon coming inside...( I was carrying him....okay...practically dragging him) he decided to push the alarm buttons.  Alarm sounds....and mommy forgets how to disarm system.  Dog goes nuts, J runs away from me....alarm company calls...and I can barely remember my name!  Whew! Did I mention that J opened the window in the dining room when I was making my coffee this morning?  I thought it had been too quiet for more than two minutes...

Next...we decide to walk to pick up Sophia from school.  Beautiful day....perfect weather....2 happy kiddos!  Sophia skipping along.  She decides to hit the button at the crosswalk...accidentally hits the wrong one, so I step in and hit the right one.  A few minutes later as we are getting ready to cross... a car flies by us honking... I look up thinking it is someone we know (but instead it is a disgruntled woman giving us a rather inappropriate gesture)....still wondering if Sophia's wrong touch of the crosswalk made her miss the light or whether she was just having a bad day.  At this point I was a little disheartened by her rudeness...but nonetheless still enjoying the beautiful day.

After we get home,  I get a message that my dentist needed to cancel my appointment b/c of a water main break (how often does that happen???)  Okay....so a few hang-ups....but still in good spirits.  So, we decide to head to the post office to mail Sophia's handmade birthday invites....she was pretty excited about this ( and I was hoping to get the letters hand canceled).  Upon arrival, there was only a short line, and the lady at the counter was friendly and named Sophia too!  But once again...as we were leaving we were struck with yet another rude encounter.  I was getting ready to put J in his seat when an older gentlemen pulled up to pull in the handi-cap spot next to me....He was clearly agitated that it took me more than 20 sec to fasten J's seat belt.  He would not pull his car in until I closed J's door even though there was plenty of room.  Then...he just sat in his car and glared at me (J saw the man b/c he had been admiring the man's dog in his car).  J's remark...."That man mean!"  I said..."maybe he is having a bad day!" (And for the record...I watched that man get out of his car as I pulled away....and I think he walked quicker than me....he didn't look handi-capped....but I guess you never know....)

Besides a few splinters in J's hands from the swing set, Sophia falling a SECOND time on her injured elbow, and then running out of the correct band-aids for the boo-boo, the rest of the day was fine.  I'm sure I left something out....but that's all my tired brain can remember.  (Just remembered how I lost my keys in this cute little bookstore we happened upon today....searched the car for more than 10 minutes and under the car before thinking to check back inside the store)....

Just hoping the benadryl helps J's swollen eyes and my two munchkins get a good night's rest...b/c I know it will start all over again tomorrow.  nite nite!

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