We shopped for new shoes for Sophia after her game. This girl must be hard on her feet just like her mama! Because she wears the heck out of her shoes. I've been dying to buy her some pink converse tennies....and actually found them in her size ( a rarity), only to have her whine and complain that they were not the sparkly ones like her other "Sophia" friend had. Knowing how she refuses to wear shoes unless they are exactly the ones she wants... I caved....and ordered the sparklies in her size. Had to order J's in his size anyway....so figured I might as well have ordered hers too, right? Oh my....and she's only in kindergarten now...can you imagine what it will be like when she is 16?
We spent a little bit of time at the petting zoo Saturday afternoon. I can't believe it has taken us this long to make a trip there this year. Usually in the past, we have been frequent visitors. Guess things have been a little more hectic this spring. Joseph went nuts seeing the animals. The rooster, bunnies and ponies were his favorites. But I have to say the slides and the playgrounds were the bigger hit with both of the kids. Sophia just can't get enough of those curvy tunnel-like slides, and any chance at the monkey bars...and she is on it!!!!
I only took a few pictures and mainly at the playground areas!
Mother's Day festivities were simple this year. We visited both of our mothers and treated them with COOKIES of course!!!
My mother's day surprise... a near broken toe at the end of the night. Tripped over a bar stool that one of the kiddos had left out of place. It looks rather ugly today. Had it x-rayed at emergent care...the doc there thought it wasn't broken...but it appears that the swelling and bruising are just increasing and the pain pretty much does not allow for any shoe wearing at this point....I'm guessing it's broken. The month of May seems to be my month for injuries....I think it was around this time last year that I hurt my knee and I still haven't recovered. Oh my....as my mother says...maybe this will force me to SLOW DOWN! (I'll try to find some good in this, I guess:(
Tonight I packed Sophia's FIRST REAL school lunch. She gets to stay an extra 15 minutes tomorrow just so she can eat lunch like the BIG first graders. Joseph and I will miss our lunch buddy tomorrow...but thank goodness we have a WHOLE summer ahead of us to get used to this idea!
Praying for some sun tomorrow (I forgot to mention that TWO of my umbrellas, and my ONLY two at that, broke in the wind today..!!!)
Those strawberry treats are TDF Amalia! The packaging was SO cute!! We haven't gotten to Deanna Rose yet either but I am itching to get out soon and do it. I hope your toe heals quickly...I definitely can commiserate with that!
I can't believe Sophia is already practice-taking her lunch! Is she really that grown up? And Amalia, you need to quit working so hard! ;)
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