Tuesday, September 28, 2010
It all started at about 2:30A.M. this morning when I heard the dreaded "MOMMEE!" Every time I hear that call... in the middle of the night... I panic... immediately thinking someone is sick! So I quickly jumped out of bed ran up to Sophia's room...and somewhat breathed a sigh of relief to find out she had just had a bad dream (A boy had squirted soap on someone else which in turn caused his head to turn into a pumpkin head.......pretty frightful...don't you think????) I hope our threats of putting soap in our kids' mouths isn't to blame for this dream. But seriously... I really felt sorry for her...b/c she was really very bothered by this dream. I rubbed her back for a few minutes and calmed her down and headed back down to bed for another 30 minutes before I heard the "MOMMEE!" again..... Same story..same bad dream. This happened one more time...before Sophia finally went back to sleep for what was left of the night. Poor girl.
Next on our agenda today....
Can you guess who this is??? Yes..."H" is for Humpty Dumpty! Little J and I are attempting to learn some letters of the alphabet....and H is our letter this week! He is not too keen on arts and crafts as they require him to sit in one spot too long for his liking, but he really liked helping me glue the pieces together with his glue stick.
Then it was off to the cider mill in Louisburg. I've been wanting to get our batch of fall apples for some apple pie baking for a few weeks now...and today seemed like the perfect day! I told Joseph to be on the lookout for some cows along the way (we usually see them from the highway). We saw many barns but today we didn't spot one cow till we were about 2 minutes from Louisburg. So the entire trip...this is what I heard " Where are the cows?" "Why are they no cows?" "We have to keep looking." And occasionally I got this..."What kind of truck is that?" "What is that truck carrying?" "Why?"
Oh my...it was a long drive....coupled with the fact that I felt extremely nauseous (from some medicine I had taken the day before...and of course I had to go to the bathroom the entire way!!!) We finally made it to the cider mill....watched the apple machines make cider, and watched through the glass window as the donuts were being made. I thought the cider donuts would be the highlight of the trip for J....so we bought half a dozen.....(some to take home, of course) and sat down to snack....But after one bite....he was DONE. "I not like donuts, " he said :)
So...back in the car it was to discuss where the cows were and what the trucks were carrying. Oh my...this little boy is tooooo much! After a quick run into the grocery store (and many questions about the school buses and fire trucks parked in the parking lot)...we headed home. I told J he could play on the patio while I put the groceries away....and I let Willie out back with him....he's a good protector, right? WRONG....within seconds.....both are standing at the back door covered in mud!!!! Still not quite sure what happened....but needless to say....the clothes went straight to the washer and the dog went straight to the tub. He was in need of a bath anyway... I guess. And Joseph stood next to me...for the entire duration of the bath and the hair drying....He LOVES his Willie!!!
After nap we walked to school to pick up Sophia and made it just in time for about 10 minutes of playtime at the school playground before Sophia came out. We walked home whereby I tried to coax Sophia into trying a new dance class this afternoon....(we had a bit of a bad experience at our new dance studio last week...and when it happened.... I wanted to just yank her right out of that place....but after a week's cool down... I decided I needed to let her know that she shouldn't just "give up" even though I really didn't blame her. After many tears on our walk home while I tried to convince her that it wouldn't be so bad to just observe....she finally agreed. We piled in the car....dressed and ready and I promised her I would sit in the room and observe with her. We did (even J!!!) and when the teacher asked if Sophia wanted to join in...she just cried and said no. I felt so bad for her.... and wished I wouldn't have pushed her to go. When we left she said she may go back next week and give it a shot....but I'm guessing she's not too thrilled about it...and I am NOT going to push her. I am not too thrilled about it either.....I don't get a good feel....it feels too hard....to "grown-up," and not enough fun!!! I'm proud of her for not giving up and agreeing to go with me...and proud of J for sitting so patiently while we sat on the cold floor observing!!!
By the time we came home and practiced our spelling words and jumped rope till we couldn't anymore....I think she had forgotten all about her dance experience. Then it was back to the worry about her bad dream...."Can I sleep with you tonight, Mommee?" Oh my...not sure how we convinced her that sleeping in her own room was a better idea....but so far so good..not a peep yet. Keeping those fingers crossed.
It was kind of a long day...So...yep... I think I might just deserve a cookie and milk right about now...maybe just one...b/c the rest are already packed and ready to be shipped to another lucky someone!!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Her Turn
I promised to post pictures of Miss S...and I couldn't resist snapping just a couple of her today in her new Matilda Janes....The weather finally feels like fall here...so we were able to pull out some fall clothes. I absolutely LOVE this color on her!!!!
Friday, September 24, 2010
We talk a lot about manners at our house... especially at the dinner table....So...when J and I were having a lunch date the other day.... I really wanted to lecture him on his manners when he was being silly with his food....BUT...with this smile....
I just couldn't keep myself from laughing right along with him and I even got a few sillies on camera....
Hopefully next time I post I will have some pictures of Little Miss S. I haven't been able to take many pictures of her recently as her social calendar seems more full than mine these days! What a busy little girl! She is doing wonderfully in school and came home with her 4th 100% spelling test today. She is such a good reader...I still can't believe her reading and vocabulary abilities....amazing to me!!! I still love to watch her run with such enthusiasm into the building every morning! I remember worrying last year that this excitement would fade (as it did for me when I was in school), but so far so good!!!! She seems to love every minute of it!
Happy Weekend!
I just couldn't keep myself from laughing right along with him and I even got a few sillies on camera....
Hopefully next time I post I will have some pictures of Little Miss S. I haven't been able to take many pictures of her recently as her social calendar seems more full than mine these days! What a busy little girl! She is doing wonderfully in school and came home with her 4th 100% spelling test today. She is such a good reader...I still can't believe her reading and vocabulary abilities....amazing to me!!! I still love to watch her run with such enthusiasm into the building every morning! I remember worrying last year that this excitement would fade (as it did for me when I was in school), but so far so good!!!! She seems to love every minute of it!
Happy Weekend!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Our little J said farewell to his Binks on Saturday! We are so proud of this little guy!!!
After his "binky-free" nap on Saturday...we asked him where he wanted to go to pick out his new toy... he chose Walgreen's... he had remembered seeing a fire truck there the day before. I was a bit surprised he didn't want to go for the LARGE cement mixer truck at the toy store...but I didn't discourage him....the cement truck was WAAAY expensive compared to his $9.99 fire truck at the Green!
Here are the pictures of him in the car before....
Inside the store...he ran right to the fire truck.....he was so excited.
He even handed his Binks to the store clerk (Don't worry... I had filled the store clerk in on the trade that was going to take place...while J was looking at the toys) without turning back!! What a trooper!!!
And Big Sister didn't miss out on the fun either...she got something small too...for moral support, of course. She chose a Polly Pocket set equipped with Polly and her friends Lila and Lee. They all have interchangeable umbrellas, raincoats and rain boots! She is in Polly Pocket heaven.
Here is the BIG boy eyeing his new toy in the car. I think I will be hearing "5 Alarm Fire in City Square" in my dreams tonight...and probably the sound of the siren as well. Oh my...is it ever loud!
And just a few pictures from earlier in the weekend...Sophia and Joseph preparing their grass people....soaking them and putting them into their "greenhouses." Notice....Joseph's area became a bit more messy than Sophia's. We are excited for their hair to start growing!
After his "binky-free" nap on Saturday...we asked him where he wanted to go to pick out his new toy... he chose Walgreen's... he had remembered seeing a fire truck there the day before. I was a bit surprised he didn't want to go for the LARGE cement mixer truck at the toy store...but I didn't discourage him....the cement truck was WAAAY expensive compared to his $9.99 fire truck at the Green!
Here are the pictures of him in the car before....
Inside the store...he ran right to the fire truck.....he was so excited.
He even handed his Binks to the store clerk (Don't worry... I had filled the store clerk in on the trade that was going to take place...while J was looking at the toys) without turning back!! What a trooper!!!
And Big Sister didn't miss out on the fun either...she got something small too...for moral support, of course. She chose a Polly Pocket set equipped with Polly and her friends Lila and Lee. They all have interchangeable umbrellas, raincoats and rain boots! She is in Polly Pocket heaven.
Here is the BIG boy eyeing his new toy in the car. I think I will be hearing "5 Alarm Fire in City Square" in my dreams tonight...and probably the sound of the siren as well. Oh my...is it ever loud!
And just a few pictures from earlier in the weekend...Sophia and Joseph preparing their grass people....soaking them and putting them into their "greenhouses." Notice....Joseph's area became a bit more messy than Sophia's. We are excited for their hair to start growing!
Friday, September 17, 2010
To "Binks" or not to "Binks"
Mr. Binks has pretty much been popular at our house since Sophia was born. She only had her "Binks" at nap and bed time, but when she had her first dentist appointment at age 3....we knew that Binks would soon have to go. It was hard for her...and hard for us... but ultimately we promised her that if she wrapped up her binky nicely and took it to the toy store to give to another deserving baby....then she would, in return, get to choose a new toy to bring home. She of course was excited about getting a new toy...and she quickly found a pink doll she named Caroline. Trying to sleep sans Binks after that was a bit of a struggle....but with the help of Caroline... she did it!
Joseph, like his big sister, quickly became a fan of Binks too. And though I really don't like to believe it....our baby boy will be turning THREE in less than 4 months. Soooo... we decided it was about time to start saying our farewells to his Binks. We offered Joseph the same motivation we gave Sophia.. He was excited at first and immediately told me he wanted the mixer truck he had seen at the toy store... So... we talked about it for a few days and before bed each night he would say he wanted the truck and then start screaming for his Binks. I would remind him of the mixer truck and then he would say... "I not want mixer truck anymore!" When the crying got too out of control, we gave in, worried that his crying would keep big sister from falling alseep. But we didn't give up. We kept trying. And one night this week... I was able to leave his room with Mr. Binks still in my hands. I closed his door and listened for screams.... but heard none. We finished reading with Sophia....and listened for screams...but heard not a peep. I even opened his door and said one last "good-nite" and got only a happy "nite-nite mommeee" in return. I thought for sure when we came downstairs the crying would begin. Wrong....we heard him talk for a while...but then nothing... He slept ALL night without Binks and not a single cry....until right when he woke up....THEN he wanted Binks. I wouldn't hear of it... I was not about to give in after he had done such a good job all nite. He cried all through breakfast...which is funny b/c he never has his Binks after he wakes up anyway. Sophia told me she felt sorry for him...and I, of course, did too. That was Wednesday morning. And though we have had some tears (but not many!!) he has slept both at night time and nap time without Binks. Tomorrow is the big day... we are "planning" to make our trip to the toy store and say our final farewells to J's beloved Binks.
I am so proud of him...he still seems like such a baby to me and I really feel bad taking this away from him...but I know the longer he keeps it the harder it will be to give it up...Trust me... I know....I sucked my thumb well beyond kindergarten...and yes... I paid my dues with retainers, braces, and the stylish and ever so popular head gear. So tomorrow I will cross my fingers and pretend like saying good bye is no big deal....even though it will secretly be breaking my heart...b/c I know this is just another stage that will have come and gone. It all happens way too fast. He loved Binks from the very start!!! Remember this little guy???
Now he is such a big boy! He has been so excited about his mixer truck....but then just tonite he said...."I think I'll choose the fire truck at Walgreens. " What a stinker... I guess it will be a surprise to all of us!!!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Packing a Picnic
We had a birthday party last weekend at a park so close to our house that I didn't even know existed.....It has a picnic area, a playground and a little lake with DUCKS!!! We spent most of the party playing at the playground....and to Joseph's dismay didn't spend much time watching the ducks. He talked about those ducks for the remainder of the weekend....so on Monday....I couldn't resist...the weather was too perfect...so after gymnastics we packed a lunch and grabbed some bread, and headed for a lunch date with those ducks (and geese)! Joseph had the time of his life. He fed the ducks all of the bread we brought,....ran after them and stared as they swam in the lake. Of course eating out of his Cars lunch box was a special treat too!!!
I still have such a hard time taking pictures with my camera in full sunlight.....but I did my best. Guess it was good practice...and the pictures pretty much tell the story...so mission accomplished!!!

I still have such a hard time taking pictures with my camera in full sunlight.....but I did my best. Guess it was good practice...and the pictures pretty much tell the story...so mission accomplished!!!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
We were eating dinner the other night and I couldn't help but notice how much my two boys are (oddly enough) starting to look like clones of each other!!! I guess it helped that they both were wearing navy shirts and khaki's together....but beyond the clothes... I really do see quite a resemblance...
Of course after we took some pictures of "the boys," it was only fair to take a picture of the other half...
And then....well it was just a free for all...and Missy wanted to snap everything in sight! She got a pretty good picture of us... I was impressed....and she didn't even cut off Brett's head!!!!
When I looked back at the other silly pictures she took....many very up close of herself....I had to laugh....reminded me of the Junie B we had been reading.....where she goes to Hawaii with her family and tries to keep a photo journal of her trip for show and tell. Click-click. The majority of her pictures she thought were a flop....hmmm just how I feel sometimes!!!
Other tidbits from our week
-Another "first" dance class...yes... we switched dance studios.....feeling a little nervous about the rigidity of the dress and shoe code here and the evening class time....but Sophia appears to like it....and I am already getting excited for the end of year recital!!! Here she is before class...
And finally....so many people I have made cookies for tell me they wish they had time to make cookies for their own families...it makes me feel a bit guilty...b/c I even find myself feeling that way.... Our kitchen counter almost always has someone else's order of ready-to-be-frosted cookies on it....and Mr. J is always asking...."Are those cookies for me????" Sometimes I wish I had more time to do the cute cookies for my own kids too!!! I did make some easy peasy mini chocolate chip cookies for us, though....perfect size for those little tiny hands........ and also perfect to toss in the lunch box!!!
Mmmm I think next time, I will halve the recipe though.... It took so long to roll all those tiny cookies into little rounds...and most of you know who know my hubby, know that he will only consume cookies on the day they are baked.....He's kinda become a cookie snob...don't you think??? :)
Of course after we took some pictures of "the boys," it was only fair to take a picture of the other half...
And then....well it was just a free for all...and Missy wanted to snap everything in sight! She got a pretty good picture of us... I was impressed....and she didn't even cut off Brett's head!!!!
When I looked back at the other silly pictures she took....many very up close of herself....I had to laugh....reminded me of the Junie B we had been reading.....where she goes to Hawaii with her family and tries to keep a photo journal of her trip for show and tell. Click-click. The majority of her pictures she thought were a flop....hmmm just how I feel sometimes!!!
Other tidbits from our week
-Another "first" dance class...yes... we switched dance studios.....feeling a little nervous about the rigidity of the dress and shoe code here and the evening class time....but Sophia appears to like it....and I am already getting excited for the end of year recital!!! Here she is before class...
And finally....so many people I have made cookies for tell me they wish they had time to make cookies for their own families...it makes me feel a bit guilty...b/c I even find myself feeling that way.... Our kitchen counter almost always has someone else's order of ready-to-be-frosted cookies on it....and Mr. J is always asking...."Are those cookies for me????" Sometimes I wish I had more time to do the cute cookies for my own kids too!!! I did make some easy peasy mini chocolate chip cookies for us, though....perfect size for those little tiny hands........ and also perfect to toss in the lunch box!!!
Mmmm I think next time, I will halve the recipe though.... It took so long to roll all those tiny cookies into little rounds...and most of you know who know my hubby, know that he will only consume cookies on the day they are baked.....He's kinda become a cookie snob...don't you think??? :)
Monday, September 6, 2010
Tonite before dinner I told the hubby that I couldn't believe the 3 day weekend was already over... His expression told me otherwise.....hmmm I guess it seemed long to him and he is ready to get back to work!
B came home BEFORE 5 on Friday...YAY.....so I somehow convinced him to take me ( and the kiddos of course) to Good Juju, a fun antique spot that I have been drooling over for months!!!! Of course... I couldn't have pulled it off without first bribing with dinner at the Mixx followed by a trip to Loose Park. It was a win win for all of us... antiquing for me.... dinner for B and fun at the park for the kids.... (despite the child dressed as a scary vampire....whom I hear about in Sophia's conversations now at least 8 times a day!!!)
We couldn't have enjoyed more beautiful weather this weekend......so on Saturday we played outside....daddy cut the grass... and I "tried" to organize the garage. The park seemed like the perfect spot in the afternoon...and it was except for J's crying spells over his achy knee... Poor guy...I never figured it out...but off and on Saturday, Joseph would suddenly start crying and limping while complaining that his knee hurt.... it happened on more than one occasion...and I knew it must have been "real" if he admitted that he wanted to actually LEAVE the park. That never happens with my energetic little guy. Hmmmm....after one more crying spell after dinner... he never complained of it anymore. Can little ones have growing pains when they are just 2 1/2?
I guess he was really over it by today though b/c I caught him running like crazy outside on more than one occasion and he had a great time riding on this fun little car that one of our friends gave us...
After a memorial service for our neighbor on Sunday... we had a neighborhood get together. I wish I had brought my camera....but I guess it was good that I didn't b/c I'm positive it would have been covered in cream cheese frosting. Joseph had a great time playing with the big kids...and confiscating the chocolate cupcakes I had made only to take one lick off the frosting and smear the rest on his mouth and shirt.....Oh my! He's too funny! Miss Sophia found a new playmate on our street had the time of her life jumping rope and covering our driveway with her sidewalk chalk art! Didn't have a pic of the cupcakes b/c they were all gone...but here are a few cookies I brought...
Today....the kids were of course exhausted from the late night...and played nicely together (For the first time all weekend!!!!). I was able to work on some cookies today and then we headed to the grand opening of the American Girl Store here. Needless to say... Sophia already has her Christmas list in mind and told me we'd better get busy making her list for Santa. Brett and I spent our time there oohing and ahhing over the camper accessory that goes with one of the dolls!! Oh my... amazing the things these stores come up with!!! And then I found myself studying the cut of Kit's hair.......trying to determine if I could pull off her haircut.....love it! Oh my...I guess it's pretty sad when I start to look at dolls to determine what my hairstyle should be!!! What would my fashionista sister say about that?
Okay....lots of rambling tonite....and really not many pics to share. Sad to see summer go....but thankful we had a good one. B and I have had a lot on our minds the last few weeks....so it was nice to have a 3 day breather. Back to the grind tomorrow.....
B came home BEFORE 5 on Friday...YAY.....so I somehow convinced him to take me ( and the kiddos of course) to Good Juju, a fun antique spot that I have been drooling over for months!!!! Of course... I couldn't have pulled it off without first bribing with dinner at the Mixx followed by a trip to Loose Park. It was a win win for all of us... antiquing for me.... dinner for B and fun at the park for the kids.... (despite the child dressed as a scary vampire....whom I hear about in Sophia's conversations now at least 8 times a day!!!)
We couldn't have enjoyed more beautiful weather this weekend......so on Saturday we played outside....daddy cut the grass... and I "tried" to organize the garage. The park seemed like the perfect spot in the afternoon...and it was except for J's crying spells over his achy knee... Poor guy...I never figured it out...but off and on Saturday, Joseph would suddenly start crying and limping while complaining that his knee hurt.... it happened on more than one occasion...and I knew it must have been "real" if he admitted that he wanted to actually LEAVE the park. That never happens with my energetic little guy. Hmmmm....after one more crying spell after dinner... he never complained of it anymore. Can little ones have growing pains when they are just 2 1/2?
I guess he was really over it by today though b/c I caught him running like crazy outside on more than one occasion and he had a great time riding on this fun little car that one of our friends gave us...
After a memorial service for our neighbor on Sunday... we had a neighborhood get together. I wish I had brought my camera....but I guess it was good that I didn't b/c I'm positive it would have been covered in cream cheese frosting. Joseph had a great time playing with the big kids...and confiscating the chocolate cupcakes I had made only to take one lick off the frosting and smear the rest on his mouth and shirt.....Oh my! He's too funny! Miss Sophia found a new playmate on our street had the time of her life jumping rope and covering our driveway with her sidewalk chalk art! Didn't have a pic of the cupcakes b/c they were all gone...but here are a few cookies I brought...
Today....the kids were of course exhausted from the late night...and played nicely together (For the first time all weekend!!!!). I was able to work on some cookies today and then we headed to the grand opening of the American Girl Store here. Needless to say... Sophia already has her Christmas list in mind and told me we'd better get busy making her list for Santa. Brett and I spent our time there oohing and ahhing over the camper accessory that goes with one of the dolls!! Oh my... amazing the things these stores come up with!!! And then I found myself studying the cut of Kit's hair.......trying to determine if I could pull off her haircut.....love it! Oh my...I guess it's pretty sad when I start to look at dolls to determine what my hairstyle should be!!! What would my fashionista sister say about that?
Okay....lots of rambling tonite....and really not many pics to share. Sad to see summer go....but thankful we had a good one. B and I have had a lot on our minds the last few weeks....so it was nice to have a 3 day breather. Back to the grind tomorrow.....
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