Monday, September 6, 2010

Tonite before dinner I told the hubby that I couldn't believe the 3 day weekend was already over... His expression told me otherwise.....hmmm I guess it seemed long to him and he is ready to get back to work!

B came home BEFORE 5 on I somehow convinced him to take me ( and the kiddos of course) to Good Juju, a fun antique spot that I have been drooling over for months!!!! Of course... I couldn't have pulled it off without first bribing with dinner at the Mixx followed by a trip to Loose Park.  It was a win win for all of us... antiquing for me.... dinner for B and fun at the park for the kids.... (despite the child dressed as a scary vampire....whom I hear about in Sophia's conversations now at least 8 times a day!!!)

We couldn't have enjoyed more beautiful weather this on Saturday we played outside....daddy cut the grass... and I "tried" to organize the garage.  The park seemed like the perfect spot in the afternoon...and it was except for J's crying spells over his achy knee... Poor guy...I never figured it out...but off and on Saturday, Joseph would suddenly start crying and limping while complaining that his knee hurt.... it happened on more than one occasion...and I knew it must have been "real" if he admitted that he wanted to actually LEAVE the park.  That never happens with my energetic little guy.  Hmmmm....after one more crying spell after dinner... he never complained of it anymore.  Can little ones have growing pains when they are just 2 1/2?

I guess he was really over it by today though b/c I caught him running like crazy outside on more than one occasion and he had a great time riding on this fun little car that one of our friends gave us...

After a memorial service for our neighbor on Sunday... we had a neighborhood get together.  I wish I had brought my camera....but I guess it was good that I didn't b/c I'm positive it would have been covered in cream cheese frosting.  Joseph had a great time playing with the big kids...and confiscating the chocolate cupcakes I had made only to take one lick off the frosting and smear the rest on his mouth and shirt.....Oh my!  He's too funny!  Miss Sophia found a new playmate on our street had the time of her life jumping rope  and covering our driveway with her sidewalk chalk art!  Didn't have a pic of the cupcakes b/c they were all gone...but here are a few cookies I brought...

Today....the kids were of course exhausted from the late night...and played nicely together (For the first time all weekend!!!!).  I was able to work on some cookies today and then we headed to the grand opening of the American Girl Store here.  Needless to say... Sophia already has her Christmas list in mind and told me we'd better get busy making her list for Santa.  Brett and I spent our time there oohing and ahhing over the camper accessory that goes with one of the dolls!! Oh my... amazing the things these stores come up with!!! And then I found myself studying the cut of Kit's hair.......trying to determine if I could pull off her it!  Oh my...I guess it's pretty sad when I start to look at dolls to determine what my hairstyle should be!!! What would my fashionista sister say about that?

Okay....lots of rambling tonite....and really not many pics to share.  Sad to see summer go....but thankful we had a good one.  B and I have had a lot on our minds the last few it was nice to have a 3 day breather.  Back to the grind tomorrow.....

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