Wednesday, December 8, 2010


We always do a BIG gingerbread project each year in our house.  It works out kinda nice....I (being the baker), the hubby (being the builder) and the kids being the onlookers/frosting tasters.  Well, "our" project is almost complete.  As I type this... it is standing...propped between two green bean cans and sitting atop two tuna cans.  Hoping I can post pics tomorrow of the final project (without green bean cans, of course).

I decided it was also a necessity to have miniature gingerbread houses for S and J to decorate as well.  After all.. we all have to express our individuality somehow...right???? When I saw this idea on this site.... I was sold.  I rolled out the gingerbread scraps leftover from our big project and went to work cutting templates, cutting dough, baking and constructing.  Then I pulled out some fun sprinkles and candies and let the kids go to work!

Since these little guys are so incredibly small... (they can fit on the edge of your coffee mug)....we focused on the roofs.  I love what my two creative geniuses came up with.  I still have two more "naked" for B and myself...but now I think I might just have the kids do these as well!  They did such a good job.  J needed some help, of course....because he was a bit distracted by the opportunity to sample each candy, taste each sprinkle, and of course, lick the frosting.  Love how their little fingers are working in these pictures and love how Miss Sophia is so intent on her project:)

Sophia is so excited that mommy and daddy get to join her at school on Friday for gingerbread decorating in her classroom.  She should definitely be well prepared....with all the practice we've had at home this week:)  Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

koki said...

Amazing Lia . . . can't wait to come for a gingerbread house tour! ;) xoxo