Here are Joseph's 2-year stats:
Weight: 26 lbs 4 oz (26th percentile)
Lenght: 33 inches (14th percentile)
Today....our BIG 3 year old looks like this:
He had his 3 year well check this morning! Sister got to tag along too....she's been a bit under the weather and we had her checked for strep...which was negative...whew!!!
Anyway, little J 's three year stats have him at
weight: 32 lbs (50%)
height: 36 inches (nurse said this was 15%, but doctor said not sure)
He has done some growing this year!!! Now I just have to get him interested in this whole potty thing....consistently....oh my....this may be a chore:)
He was so chatty with the nurses and doctor today that I hardly got a word in. Sooo funny! He remembered watching me have my blood pressure taken at my doctor and thought it was pretty neat that they did it to him too. He was a bit upset that Sophia got to have her temp after voicing this concern to the nurse (whom he referred to as "Doctor") he got to have his taken too!
This little guy is a charmer..and says the funniest things...and the sweetest things. Today I was getting him ready for a nap and he gave me a hug and said " You're the best mudder in the whole wide world!" Melts my heart!
The best part of today's appointment....NO Shots!! Yipee! Now if we can just get Sophia and Daddy feeling better...we might be almost back to normal:)
very cute little boy.
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Great! so beautiful... keep it up and we will be waiting for your next post.
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