The beginning of June not only marked the beginning of summer (YAY) but also Sammy's four month birthday:) Can't believe that it has been four months already! How quickly we fell in love....and how quickly we can't even remember what life was like before having three! He is already so much a part of us....just another perfect piece to our family....I feel like I have loved him for a lifetime already!
I love to take a picture before every well-visit....despite Sophia and Joseph's lack of enthusiasm at this routine picture-taking:) was Mr. Sam's 4 month well I ATTEMPTED to get a picture of all three!
So... I hope you are all sitting down for the 4 month stats....Here goes...
Today: At Two months:
27 1/4 inches (greater than 95%) 24 1/4 inches (90%)
18 lbs 12 oz (95%) 14 lbs 3 oz (95%)
Head Circumference:
17 1/2 (92%) 16 3/8 (90%)
He is our BIG BIG boy....and he is FULL of lots of LOVE and SWEET smiles. I just want to squeeze those chubby little cheeks all of the time;)
I have LOVED having Sophia home for the summer so far! She ADORES little Sam and calls him her "samwich." He's not showing it in these pictures...but he absolutely is in LOVE with his big sister. He smiles so big when she talks to him...and just stares at her with adoring eyes:)
The other night when we were saying prayers...Sophia noticed Sam had his hands together...she told me he was such a "Holy little boy" because he had "praying hands" already.....then she called him her little "Catholic charity." ( I guess Catholic Charities is a regular topic at school:) ) This girl is hilarious....the things that come out of her mouth that she doesn't even understand are just too funny!!!
Sam had the same shots he had at 2 months today....but he was a trooper! Sophia teared up for him when he got the shots...what a sweet little heart she has:)
Four months means time to get the exersaucer out!! YAY!!! This has always been mommy's best friend! I do remember, though, we had to make some adjustments for little J....because he was so tiny! We didn't have that problem with our Sam, though!
He loved it!
The monkey and the musical jeep were by far his favorites today!
A few other pics from our first official week of summer...
Enjoying the park on a hot and steamy day....S and J LOVED this teeter totter!
Sam loved watching the swings and cruising around in his stroller.
And finally... a little funny... or a little "not so funny"
I was getting the bath and jammies ready and laid out the other evening when Mr. Willie came running upstairs. His fur around his mouth was covered with white powder. I immediately thought he had gotten into some of the cookies on the counter that I had been working on for an order. We quickly ran downstairs to check out the damage...
Instead of half-eaten cookies...this is what we found...
Willie had found a bag of formula in the diaper bag.... I guess he didn't like it as much as Sam does!
Happy Weekend!
1 comment:
What a big boy...I think he is longer than Daniel! He is quite possibly one of the cutest little men EVER!!! I LOVE those chubby cheeks! I didn't get enough of him at the party (too many people) so I am going to have to stop by to get a few snuggles in!!
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