At 6 months our little Sammy is laughing, cooing, reaching for lots of toys, playing patty cake, loving to jump in his Johnny- Jump- Up, and getting very close to sitting on his own. He loves. loves. loves to receive lots of hugs and kisses!! He gets very excited when Sophia plays with him...and screams with excitement!
He loves to stare at his big brother too....I hope he is not learning too many wild things from his WILD and CRAZY brother. Oh my!
Sam is so easy going....He loves to flash those big eyes...lift those eyebrows and just make our hearts melt! He loves to hear secrets in his ears....and loves to hold tight to his Sophie giraffe toy. Another favorite...his little lamb that plays "Jesus Loves Me." Oh...the smile I get when I wind it up and sing to him....I'll never forget it!!!
He is eating and finally not spitting out his rice cereal...sometimes I sneak a bit of sugar in it....shhhh. He has had squash, sweet potatoes = love, and carrots. The greenies are next..... I think this very squeezable little guy just might be a good eater!!! We are working towards two better naps...which requires me to be a little more on the ball in the morning to get him down earlier....and requires a little more "at home" time.... Which in turn means.... I have to have home to do for S and J. Paints, play-doh, Chutes and Ladders, name it. This afternoon I even pulled out the math flashcards for Sophia and the Alphabet cards for J....when I realized that J doesn't even know how to sing the alphabet song without leaving out letters...Oops! He knows his sounds....but sometimes forgets the songs.....I think I got a little too ahead of myself last year when I worked on letter id. Better start getting back into the groove of's just around the corner. S finds out her new teacher tomorrow!!!
Can't believe the summer is winding down. Can't believe how quickly these little ones are becoming "not so little anymore"....Happy Half Birthday Sweet Sammy!! We love you to pieces!!!!
PS....I promise I do not neglect Sam and confine him to his exersaucer!! It's just the only way I can take pics of him without worrying he will fall over and hit his head while trying to sit on his own!!! He is doing really well...sitting with no support...but still needs some practice!!!
I just want to kiss those cute cheeks!! Xoxo Thea
He is TOO CUTE for his own good! You should have brought him tonight so I could love on him...guess I will have to stop by soon so I can get some snuggles in!!
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