Saturday is the first day of October. As much as I love to see what the new calendar picture will be at the start of each new month... I always am a bit sad to have to take down the always means that our youngest will be yet another month older... Saturday...sweet Sam will be EIGHT months.
Poor little guy has not been feeling good for quite some time... but I think we are slowly getting over the hump! He sure had some smiles for me today after lunch! Who isn't happy with a full tummy?
He has two bottom teeth now... and must be trying to cut a few more...because he just drools, drools, drools....and has been a wee bit whiny lately. Naps and night-time sleeps have been a challenge. He took a pretty good one this morning, though, and we were off to a good start this afternoon until a lawn company decided to RING the DOORBELL....GRRRRR!
At eight months, Sam still LOVES to wrap his arms around you and give you hugs. He wants to be held...but is quickly learning to scoot around and crawl... He has gotten pretty good at crawling/scooting backwards and is really just beginning to move forward....
It used to be easy to put him in the exersaucer for a few minutes if I had to do something where I couldn't keep my eye on him...but as of yesterday...when he decided he wanted to get out...and somehow climbed out (head first :( ) this is not as good of an option. He will be just like little Joseph before I know it....always having to have an eye on him!!!
I am desperately trying to get him to say "mama".... but I think that he just might have said something a little closer to "dada" just once...but we'll keep that a little secret....and just keep working on getting that "mama!" :)
He is really trying to get up on all fours and really wants to get to sitting position from laying down. He will be there before we know it.
He LOVES to crawl/scoot under chairs and tables and beds... but cries tremendously when he can't get out. He is such a big boy....but oh my he can cry like a newborn:) especially when I try to wipe his nose!!!
All this crawling has worn me out!
Oops.. .I had to get down really low to get him and I accidentally cut off his chin...but love his expression!
He has become increasingly fond of this little guy as well...
Sam loves to play with J's hair and just watch J play with his cars... Soon... they will be lining up all those tiny cars together!! I took this picture of Joseph while we were waiting for Sophia at pick up today.... He is the best buddy to have in the car... he always comes up front with me....and you should hear the conversations he has with whomever has parked next to us... Sooo friendly...He talks to everyone.....and who can resist???
Below he asked me to take his picture with the pumpkins at the grocery store... we will wait to get our pumpkins from the patch...but he was pretty excited about these..
Still chuckling about J's newest habit of coming back downstairs after we put him in bed. No matter what kinds of threats we give...every night he comes to sit on the steps and talk to us...just checking out what is going on while he is supposed to be sleeping. He usually always has something very important to tell us....the first few nights it was that he was going to throw up (but not really).....and tonight it was questions like "Why did you leave the dining room light on?" And after B tried to give a firm...."Time to go to bed, Joseph" while I was trying not to laugh....he asked...."When am I getting my report card?" He is too funny.....every day is eventful with him:)
So...October is here in one more day. I guess there is no stopping it.... Sam will be a month older....Sophia will celebrate her half birthday...and J will keep us hopping. Bring it on:)
Such great pictures of SW!!!! Time is really flying! Can't stop laughing about J's report card question! He's a kick! Don't forget about Yiayia's big October bday! ;) xoxo, Thea
This 'BIG' little guy is the cutest!----These two little boys are something else---Two heart stealers for sure!
<3 <3
Such an handsome looking baby!
revenue cycle performance
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