Sunday, November 20, 2011

Under the weather...again...

Poor Sophia....Two days after finishing her meds...and she came down with strep can that be?? We took her to the doctor Saturday morning and the doctor is suspecting that the InstaMeds (the machine where we got her medicine at the doctor's office) may have been the culprit.  Needless to say... we went directly to the pharmacy for the next round of antibiotics.  I won't trust those machines again ( I was always a bit leary of them anyway)!  So we had a lazy weekend around here.  While Miss S tried to recuperate, the boys decided to come down with their own fun illnesses....I'm hoping they are just colds.  J is always such a trooper...still acts pretty crazy even though he is under the weather...and Sammy was, for the most part, still smiles today...but not feeling good at all.  Poor little ones.

Nonetheless.... we started our annual Christmas lists...and this year...I'm so glad that we had THREE to make!!! I told Brett maybe next year we should hope to have it is more symmetrical....:)  I let the kids find one picture out of toy catalogs today that showed something they really, really wanted to ask of Santa.... I'm hoping we can help them choose things they REALLY want if we do it over time instead of just having them cut like crazy out of catalogs all at once.  

And even though we are thinking about Christmas... we still haven't forgotten about the special holiday that is just around the corner...

We were trying to show off Sam's Santa list...but he just wanted to chew on it....and really all I can get out of this picture is that I DESPERATELY need a hair cut... oh my.... I think it is way too long..definitely ready for a change....

Still loving her hair...what do you think??

Here are S and J with the start to their lists...

And poor Sammy with his little pink chapped cheeks...but so happy he is smiling.. at least for now....

As we celebrate Thanksgiving this week....can't help but think about all the gifts I have in my life.... can't ask for too much more!

1 comment:

Kelsey Bakalar said...

What is this machine?! I've never heard of it before! And don't you dare cut your hair! It's beautiful!