Friday, March 23, 2012

Off to the Zoo

No...we are not headed to the zoo again.....

"Off to the Zoo" was the name of the musical the second graders performed this week!  Pretty perfect that my Sophia was chosen to be a Safari Guide... especially after we scored the perfect "Zoo Guide Vest" at the St. Louis Zoo last week! I tried ever so hard to get her to wear this hat of J's...thought it was perfect for her role....but I just could not convince her.  I told her that we (Brett and myself)  thought it was cute and perfect for the role....but her response... "You're just ADULTS... of course you'd say that!"  Too funny...and too stubborn.  She did wear it for one picture, however, before passing it on to her wannabe brother who more than willingly donned it the rest of the evening.

Sophia was "front and center"... the only problem being the microphone was blocking her face during much of the performance:(

I loved how animated she was throughout the whole show!

Here's another onlooker....but he's fooling you... he did NOT sit this still during the whole performance.  And yes...I am aware I am letting him chew on keys (don't even want to think about the germs he is getting)...but gotta do what you gotta do!!

Here she is ready for her speaking part... just a short line about going to the crocodile exhibit!

Whew!  A big smile when her line was finished!

J was very attentive.... he had been so excited about Sophia's "reformance" all day!

She was all smiles at the end of the program... she had me a bit nervous mid-way through....I had my zoom lens and all of a sudden I could see she had this horrible look on her face... I even turned to Brett and asked him if she was okay.... She looked like she was going to get sick!  But she survived and I think it was just nerves!

Whew... we only had a four day school week this week...but it seemed like an eternity after being on a relaxed spring break schedule last week.  I spent much of the week conversing with doctors (either my own....another story for another day) or the kids'.  The strep didn't end with Brett and Sammy....J picked it up too.   And I thought we were turning a corner today until B brought Willie home from the groomers...and of course as soon as he walked out the door to head back to work....Willie's tummy episodes began...uggghhh...and on the carpet of course!:(

But on a good note...we are working hard to keep Sammy awake all morning now...down to one nap (since he's not a great napper anyway).  It's rare that the two of us have time by ourselves...but we did this morning as Sophia was at school...Joseph was at preschool...and Willie was at the Groomers.  Wow....this little guy keeps me soooo busy... if he is not trying to break into cabinets, open the microwave or grab my computer mouse from my desk....then he is trying to sneak up the stairs.  

But those matter what he is into.....they get me every time!

Happy Happy Weekend!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Sneaking Away

Our spring break started out with the hubby coming down with fun at all.  Thank goodness for antibiotics and a tough B, because that hardly put a damper on our week.  With gorgeous weather here....the kids and I were able to pull out the shorts and enjoy lots of park and outside time!  I am sooooo excited for summer already!  We had a few lunch dates and of course a trip to the book store (always a request from Miss Sophia) our bookworm.  I decided late last week that this girl will definitely be a contestant on Jeopardy some day when she shocked us by reciting the reading that she did at Church about a month ago from memory.  She never had to memorize this...nor did she have much time to practice...but apparently her photographic memory stored it somewhere in that amazing little head of hers.  She is truly remarkable!!!!

B had to work most of the week, but we decided to steal away for a short jaunt to St. Louis this weekend.  It's always a chore to pack up three littles and head on a quick vacation...but sometimes just necessary for a change of pace:)  We had a very short trip, but enjoyed some time at the Magic House and the St. Louis Zoo before we had to head home.  Needless to say... we ALMOST made it home without any illness.  Sammy decided to make a nice little mess for us about 20 minutes outside of KC.  He has just not been himself for a while....and when we came home his temp was off to the emergent care he went....diagnosis...strep.  Poor little guy!  It's always someone in our house, huh?

Well...besides a few mishaps, ( like getting stranded on the zoo train in a huge downpour) we had a nice couple days away....

Just a few more pics tonight before I load all the rest...

A prime example (below) of how HARD it is to get ALL 3 smiling!!!!

Well... Sophia gets one more day of Spring Break... before back to reality.  Hoping I can get all caught up in the laundry department...who knew we could have sooo much after just a few short days???  And I can't forget..Rock Chalk Jayhawk!  What a game!! Hello Sweet Sixteen!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Car show!

The Auto Show was in KC this weekend...and how could we resist taking our favorite "car loving" little guy?  Big thank you to Thea who volunteered to watch Big and little S so we could take some time with our middle man J.  It's so rare that we get time with just J by himself...without big Sister and without little brother.... B and I really enjoyed having a little special time with just him!!

We saw a few fun cars including this one....made out of corks!! ( The iPhone pics just don't do it justice!)

The jeep exhibit was by far J's fave!  They were offering free rides to demonstrate just how durable they are....going up steep hills and over uneven terrain and bumps.  J really wanted to go for a ride...but he just wasn't tall enough to meet the requirements.  Boy... do I know how that feels!!! But we sure had fun watching the jeeps go through the course over and over!!!

If he just had his Halloween costume (race car driver)... he would have fit right in!!

Just can't get enough of those jeeps!!!

He sat in a few cars....but told me in the end the red smart car was his favorite....that's what he would like for his 5-year old birthday...just in case anyone is wondering... HA!!!

We've had our struggles with this little guy....he sure can cause some trouble....he loves mischief, and knows well how to get under our skin... Just last night... I got VERY upset with him for holding a large mouthful of water in his mouth and then spitting it all over himself and the carpet "just for fun."  I pulled off his jammie shirt and made him sleep just in his tee shirt (b/c his jammies were soaking).  I felt very guilty all night that I had overreacted....this little guy just doesn't want us to forget about him.   I imagine being the middle man can be hard sometimes.  Always having to keep little toys away from little brother...and always wanting to be as BIG as big sister.  

Well little J.... just for the record... despite all of your craziness, silliness, and loudness... we love, love, love you more than you'll ever know.  You turned our world upside down the day you were born...and I don't think my feet have touched the ground since!:)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Spring Break....

Day One...

It wouldn't be a vacation from school without a trip to the doctor!  HA...   Today's visit was to check on J's sad looking finger (some sort of blister looking almost infected), and since Sammy didn't want to be left out of the fun...he decided to hold on to this nasty congestion and cough.  At least his ears were still free of infection.....tubes have been in place for a little over a week.  The doctor thinks it may be ANOTHER cold.... I am not so sure I agree....this little guy is sick almost weekly (and no I don't run a daycare out of my house where he would be contracting all of these viruses!!)....I am suspecting ALLERGIES.  Not a big surprise in these every single one of us suffers miserably from the dreaded allergies...included Willie the Wheaten:)  

We had a fun visit from a leprechaun at our house this morning....and after our doctor's visit...lunch at Panera.  It's rare that we all three get to have lunch together (with Sophia usually being in school) so this was an extra special treat!  And even more of a treat when we ran into some sweet friends!

Hoping to plan a few more fun things during Sophia's time off!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Surgery and Stuff....

Sammy survived his little surgery last week....In addition to the tubes in his ears...the doctor also removed his adenoids.  I had some concern that his adenoids might be large, and sure enough...the doctor confirmed that.  Surgery was still pretty speedy even with the added adenoids removal....but the waking up part was not so fun.  Poor little guy cried and cried.  I completely understand his pain.... waking up from surgery is always such a strange feeling.  It's hard to watch your baby cry and cry and not be able to console him.  

But sure enough...just as the doctor afternoon he had a little spunk back...and even a hankering for one of mama's cookies:)

He loved that Yiayia offered him not one but TWO cookies...mmmm....

Amazing to me that he was already bright eyed again by late afternoon.

We hoped that the surgery would help this little guy sleep...but the first few nights after the surgery offered little relief for him.  He was up almost every hour....ugghhh....

I called the doctor worried that something was wrong....but he put my mind at ease.  I think a new tooth coming in might be the culprit this week....and maybe some allergies.... but hopefully in the long run... he will have more comfort in his little ears.

What a stinker...  He loves to hide in this spot!

Sophia and I had her First Holy Communion retreat this weekend, and birthday party after birthday party....
but we still had a little time for a few games....Zingo is always a favorite between these two.

And while they were playing...Sammy found some of my mixing bowls... at least these were plastic!

Sneaking kleenex's and wipes is also a favorite past time.  Not sure why he continues to try and "eat " them....doesn't look like they are too tasty!

Watching the birthday balloon from the Justin "BEAVER" (as Joseph calls him) party kept Sammy pretty busy this weekend (until he accidentally popped it early this morning:( ).

We have devised a "cage" (as Brett calls it) for those times when we are desperate to get a few things finished without having to worry about Sammy opening dishwasher soap...dropping glass bowls and trying to run up stairs.

He really only likes this play space when his buddies join him inside.

And this one....I don't think there will be any stopping it....she will be EIGHT in less than a few months. Soo grown up... I remember when she was too afraid to walk to her classroom in Kindergarten and I walked her in for the first few months.  I miss those days.