Our spring break started out with the hubby coming down with strep....no fun at all. Thank goodness for antibiotics and a tough B, because that hardly put a damper on our week. With gorgeous weather here....the kids and I were able to pull out the shorts and enjoy lots of park and outside time! I am sooooo excited for summer already! We had a few lunch dates and of course a trip to the book store (always a request from Miss Sophia) our bookworm. I decided late last week that this girl will definitely be a contestant on Jeopardy some day when she shocked us by reciting the reading that she did at Church about a month ago from memory. She never had to memorize this...nor did she have much time to practice...but apparently her photographic memory stored it somewhere in that amazing little head of hers. She is truly remarkable!!!!
B had to work most of the week, but we decided to steal away for a short jaunt to St. Louis this weekend. It's always a chore to pack up three littles and head on a quick vacation...but sometimes just necessary for a change of pace:) We had a very short trip, but enjoyed some time at the Magic House and the St. Louis Zoo before we had to head home. Needless to say... we ALMOST made it home without any illness. Sammy decided to make a nice little mess for us about 20 minutes outside of KC. He has just not been himself for a while....and when we came home his temp was 101...so off to the emergent care he went....diagnosis...strep. Poor little guy! It's always someone in our house, huh?
Just a few more pics tonight before I load all the rest...
A prime example (below) of how HARD it is to get ALL 3 smiling!!!!
Well... Sophia gets one more day of Spring Break... before back to reality. Hoping I can get all caught up in the laundry department...who knew we could have sooo much after just a few short days??? And I can't forget..Rock Chalk Jayhawk! What a game!! Hello Sweet Sixteen!
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