Friday, April 27, 2012

Birthday Girl

She was my FIRST baby....

Hard to believe she will be EIGHT tomorrow.

She is still the same beauty she was eight years ago.  She is brilliant, headstrong, stubborn, determined, imaginative, creative, artistic, and loves with all her heart.  She couldn't be a better BIG sister....She complains about Mr. J often...they fight, they bicker....but deep down...she LOVES him.  She is a mini mommy to little Sammy.  She adores him like no other....and the way he looks at her....simply sweet.

At eight, she outsmarts me in more ways than one.  She teaches me about soccer, she teachers me about the iPad, she teaches me about fairies, she teaches me how to be a better person....she teaches me how to forgive.  She can throw the best of tantrums, she can talk back like no other...

She can cry big tears, she can tug at my sanity.....but she is quick to apologize, and her heart is ever so tender.

I am proud.  I am proud of the independent little girl she has become. I am proud of her GIANT heart.

I am proud of her Faith.  I am proud of her love for learning. I am proud of her dedication.  I am proud of her sincerity.

At eight, she still loves to read...and especially loves her Rainbow Magic fairy books.

She will read till we force her to turn out her light.  She studies her Bibles and knows every story almost word for word.  She makes wish lists of BOOKS.  She told me just the other day that she really would like to read "Moby Dick" because she heard it was a "pretty long book!"

She loves to be outside, she loves to organize (no surprise), she loves art.  She loves to play soccer.  She even runs with a smile on her face.

She has an incredible memory. She is always thinking.

She is girly.  She knows what she wants and doesn't stop till she gets it!

She loves pink rollers, ice cream, a good cheeseburger, spaghetti, salmon and still despises most fruit, candy and only drinks milk (strawberry), water or occasionally lemonade.

She loves to play basketball on the neighbors' driveways.

She loves to write to her special "fairy" and dream of fairyland.

She loves her Daddy....and gets her sense of humor from him.

She's loves to watch the Smurfs, and would probably watch tv or read all day if I let her (the tv obsession is definitely from Daddy....:)

She has grown up sooooo quickly.

Too quickly!

She was my first miracle.  She has challenged me each and every day.   I love her so much.

I hope all of her wishes come true this year and always.


koki said...

Such a sweet post and beautiful pictures, Lia ...makes me cry ... Cannot believe how quickly the years flash by us. What a gift these blog posts will be to her when she's older . Love this little girl so much! We are all so blessed to have her ... Love being her fairy godmother more and more each day. Happy #8 beautiful Sophia P! Xxooo, your BFF Thea ;)

Yiayia said...

I LOVE this little girl!!!!!!! With all my heart! What did we do without this little angel! Happy beautiful 8 years our dear, Sophia. <3 Yiayia

Jenn said...

Oh she is such a sweet thing!! Miss you all so much...miss seeing her and taking her pictures and playing with the boys too! You did a great job!! She is simply gorgeous!!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the sweetest little fairy!!!