Thursday, May 10, 2012

WELL-Checks complete for 2012:)

Whew!! I feel like I have a breather now until next January!  No more birthdays (kids' birthdays, at least) and no more well-checks until 2013!  Sophia had her 8-year well check today after school and before her soccer game (where she scored another 2 goals tonight:) proud of that little girl!!)

I am always sooooo relieved when we walk away from those appointments with a clean bill of health.  We are so fortunate.

Sophia's 8 year stats:
 Height: 49 3/8 inches    35% ( she grew 2 inches from last year)
Weight:  55 1/2 lbs        48% (she gained 3 1/2 lbs)

We have had a busy week....I am very ready for summer....looking forward to a more relaxed schedule...and having my biggest helper home again with me:)

Earlier in the week....  I got to go on the second grade field trip to Powell Gardens.  I had never been before and I was excited to get to go with Sophia.  We were blessed with GORGEOUS weather...  I had just four kiddos in my group and basically we got to tour the gardens on our own once we had participated in the BUG presentation.  Little did I know that during the hour-long talk....the covered aquarium that was sitting right next to ME housed "Rosie" the TARANTULA!!!  EEEKKKK!!!!

I took a few pictures with my phone (can't believe I forgot my good camera:(

Our picnic lunch!!

The quaint and soooo pretty....the view was breathtaking.  Our kids (being the good little Catholic school kids they are ....began singing Church hymns at the top of their lungs as we entered:)

We had a great day....but I was definitely exhausted by the time I came home.  I had a few in my group who liked to test the waters...and were always running off, and trying to keep tabs on them was exhausting in and of itself!  OH my!  Then I came home to my boys and realized Yiayia (who volunteered to watch them all day) was probably more tired than me.  I promise...there is never a dull moment here with Joseph and Sammy.

Tomorrow...Joseph's class is putting on their Mother's Day Tea.  They have been secretly practicing songs for us....sometimes I hear Joseph singing to himself  (the song about Mommies) when he doesn't know I'm listening.  It is the.cutest.thing.ever. Can't wait for this special little performance.  I'm so lucky to get to be his mama;)

And on another not so great note....

I had it in the stroller when we got the mail the other day...and later found it looking like this. I'm not sure whose little hands got a hold of it.....but I'm pretty sure they weren't my hands.  The good news:  IT STILL WORKS!!!!  It's driving B crazy....but as long as it's all fine and dandy with me:)

1 comment:

koki said...

Yay for field trips and more healthy well-checks! Boo for damaged iPhones ... Make sure B buys you an iPhone 5 when they are released later this year! Xxoo Thea