Ninety Nine percent of the time....there is screaming at our house... of some sort. Often it involves someone being unhappy after a toy gets taken away. Generally once Joseph is finally content with a toy....his toy gets taken away by ....can you guess who? In fairness... I must admit, though, that it does at times happen the other way around, too. Sometimes Joseph finds something Sophia is playing with to be more entertaining, and often instigates a huge brawl when he grabs for her toys! Right now, for example....there is some of this screaming going on as Joseph just found Sophia's bottle for wet doll and began drinking from it like it was his own! Oh my! percent of the time....there are giggles and smiles and peaceful quiet. For a brief time yesterday we had one of those moments. Sophia and Joseph were both playing together so nicely and even hugging! I had to get some pictures of this rare event!!! Hope you enjoy them as much as I did!
Of course even on this occasion there were some sour faces followed by some silly ones!
WOW...those have to be the cutest pics yet!!! I just finished my last test of nursing school I need to come by for a long visit!!!
I love the new pictures and the new black and white one on the blog! They are precious! xoxo
I am NOT prejudice. These are the CUTEST TWO I have EVER seen!!!!!!!!!!!! Really really really. Am I a lucky Yiayia or what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 PS Perfect song, Lia!
They are getting SO BIG! I love their little sweet :) I would LOVE to photograph them! Your can email me through the link on my blog (in the sidebar at the right) if you want to set up a session. I would love to meet your little guy too!!
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