Pretty ironic that our biggest snowfall came on the last day of February! Sophia finally got to wear her new snowsuit and use her new sled! Although I am definitely glad that spring is around the corner (I hope), I was glad that Sophia got to have fun with these things before next year! She made a pretty cute snowman (thanks to Daddy for rolling the big balls of snow) on Saturday, and was able to do a little bit of sledding with me the next morning. We found a great hill by our swimming pool in the neighborhood! She also thought it was pretty cool that she could play on the park equipment in the middle of winter. Of course not for too long....mommy's hands were REALLY cold!!! BRRRRRRRRRRRR
Although Joseph didn't play in the snow, he made his own fun inside this weekend! Playing in Willie's water bowl and "helping" Willie eat seems to be a favorite past time for him these days. I was "trying" to feed Willie Saturday night, and thought it was pretty funny that Joseph kept picking up pieces of Willie's food and bringing them to me in the kitchen. When I went back to Willie's bowls to put down a fresh bowl of water... I noticed Joseph had given Willie his water cup in the spot where Willie's water bowl normally goes! Fitting.... I guess he thought he could share his water with his puppy! I thought it was so cute that I of course ran to get the camera....and when I went back to filling up the water bowl, didn't notice that Joseph was up to more mischief. Before I knew it....he was carrying in Willie's ceramic food bowl into the kitchen. It was as if he were telling me that Willie was all done and I needed to clean it. Of course he didn't quite make it to the sink...he dropped it and it broke in many pieces. Well....there had been a crack in Willie's food bowl for quite some I guess Willie got the good end of the deal...brand new "crack-free" doggie bowls!
And I couldn't resist snapping a few pics of my cuties sporting one of Sophia's many pairs of sunglasses!
WOW what a snowman!! Sophia is sooooo talented! Crazy weather! Hope everyone enjoys the weather this Thursday...I heard it is going to be 75 degrees! WAHOOOO!!!
Cute pics! Looks like Mommy wasn't thrilled to be out in the cold . . . . hopefully that will be the last cold snowy weather of the season! xoxo
Oh, Oh, Sophia looks like a pink flower in the snow!!! Now we can wish for Spring and not feel guilty --- since she has FINALLY had her snow fun! Love the way she's trying to make her brother a stylish sunglass "guy"!!!! Tooooo cute. <3
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