It's fun to watch him play with his toys and scoot them around the house. Of course running and playing peek a boo and hide and seek are also some of this favorites!
It's fun to watch him learn new things, but even more fun to see the physical changes as he grows. Of course he will always be my baby, but even his little feet seem to be getting bigger. I LOVE his toes and he loves to take his socks off so I can tickle those toes! But even more exciting than this.....I am THRILLED that he has curls! Yes, really....not just waves, but real curls in the back of his head! Maybe one of my children will have curls afterall!
In looking through my latest pictures, I have learned that boys will be boys! It's hilarious how many pictures I have of Sophia sitting down quite content coloring, reading, watching, etc. Capturing Joseph is a bit more difficult. He is ALWAYS on the move...and sometimes gets himself into the silliest positions! Maybe you can see what I mean in these pics.
Well, I did find ONE picture of Joseph sitting....but it wasn't actually me who took the picture. Can you guess who snapped this shot??
I'm sure it was my Sophia!!! I think she's going to be photographer!!!!!! I LOVE the feet!!!! And I love the CURLS!!!! He is the Gerber baby FOR SURE! He is just adorable. <3
LOVED this - you and Sophia should open your own photography business - I could help! Happy Spring Break! xoxo
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