Yep... an all time favorite...hamburgers and french fries... But these aren't actually hamburgers. So where's the beef? Well...not here. These are made of cupcake buns, brownie burgers, frosted condiments, and sugar cookie fries. Thanks to for the idea and for sharing the templates for the hamburger and french fry containers and printed tissue. I just bought three different types of paper (cardstock, velum, and tracing) and was able to copy, cut, fold and tape these cute little containers together!

Of course I had to space my baking and container making out on different days....can't get too much of that done with little kiddos running around. So after the came the french fries (just home-made rolled sugar cookies cut into small strips and sprinkled with sugar)
The brownies, cupcakes and frosting came another day...and yes I have to admit... I used box mixes for those. As for the rest of Father's Day... I was not a very good mother...did not plan anything exciting for daddy...and oops...didn't get one single picture with him and all three of the kids together (Sophia, Joseph and Willie, that is). Probably the highlight of the day for daddy was heading to Quick Trip with Sophia to pick up some donuts! Apparently Quick Trip has some rather good donuts and it is also Daddy's favorite drink stop (killed two birds with one stone!)
Here are the kids enjoying their donuts...Joseph of course only enjoyed examining each sprinkle...eating it was not too much fun for him. Imagine picky little eater!
Sophia gave Daddy a wonderful book called "The Van that Daddy Cleaned," perfect for our Daddy who is forever cleaning the messes we leave in the car :). She also wrote some wonderful cards decorated with stickers, and made a picture frame with modge podge of course!
We went to Pappou's for a Father's Day cookout....hamburgers of course to match our dessert theme! I was able to get just a few pictures of all of them before Joseph got away!
I feel bad that I didn't get one single picture of Brett with Sophia and Joseph and Willie together....but I did get one cute one with him and Joseph... too bad it is blurry....we'll just blame that on the "fallen" camera once again, because surely a "bad" picture can't be the fault of the photographer...ha, ha!
Happy Father's Day!
Watch out Bakerella, you have some competition! xoxo
awesome! I saw those on Bakerella's website, nice to know someone actually made them, now I have the confidence to try it out sometime! They were very cute - maybe we'll have a belated father's day since daddy wasn't here for the real one!
Pretty fantabulous! Who can keep up with you???!!!! I'm out of breath! :-) <3
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