So I don't accidentally slip into "complaining" mode...I think I will just post some of the pictures I have taken of the kids so far this summer! The pictures always say more than words anyway!
Swimming pool fun in the backyard.
Mr. Jim Cosgrove AKA "Stinky Feet" gave a performance at Ironwoods Park! It was hot, but fun to watch the kids dance together. Little J didn't last long though and screamed so loud when his favorite sister left him to go dance near the stage that I thought Stinky Feet might just stop mid-song. We had to pack up and go, but at least we made it through a few songs!
It's always fun to get our hands a little dirty when Joseph is napping! We decided to make home-made play-doh...scented with almond extract...mmm and it even smelled yummy!
Thanks to Thea who took Sophia swimming with some friends at her pool so I could rest! Sophia had a ball and LOVES LOVES her fish floatie!
Joseph can't quite blow a bubble yet on his own...but he CAN say the word....and I couldn't be more proud. I love to hear that little man voice saying "bubba!!!"
Oh boy...Daddy's home! Joseph loves to wave "ba-bye" to daddy every morning...but when he sees his white truck coming down the street back home at night....he just can't contain himself! He gets so excited. "Da-da!!! Da-da!!!!! Still love his enthusiasm and those tight squeezes he gives each and every one of us!
And crafty little girl always keeps my mind busy....I'm forever trying to think of fun things we can do together while our little guy naps. Colored pasta was a fun activity this week! I colored a bunch of different shaped noodles with food coloring and rubbing alcohol...and laid them out to dry on the patio! The next day we made jewelry and noodle pictures with these fun little guys!
Hopefully my next post will show some 4th of July fun...fireworks photos, I hope! We've been listening to lots of "Yankee Doodle" and "You're a Grand Ole Flag" this week...AND Sophia informed me that she was just like Betsy Ross when we were making our flag out of construction paper! She is such a SMART little girl... her mind never stops!!! Keep your eyes open for some upcoming cookies to celebrate our Nation's Birthday!!!
MJ would be proud :-) Lia Lia Lia-----Mr. Jackson, I don't know---but those two little ones --- steal my heart. <3
Wow...maybe you can pass some of your creativity my way!!! Or you should just write a book about baking and crafts!
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