I always feel like summer is half over by the time the 4th of July arrives....so in a way I'm a little sad when it has come and gone! But the holiday was nothing to complain about! We spent the afternoon and evening with Yiayia and Pappou....and it was so fun to see the kids reactions to the fireworks. Last year...little J missed out on all the action...he was just too little, but he definitely took it all in this year.
And Sophia....she is sooo funny! What a memory this girl has!! She remembered everything we did last year...and of course decided this year's schedule would have to play out accordingly. Oh my....someone who has a hard time with change...does that sound familiar??? Well, because she remembered watching a movie at Yiayia's last year before the fireworks....guess what we had to do this year...Yep...she was pretty thrilled to have hamburgers and hot dogs, take a bath at Yiayia's and watch Little Mermaid all before the fireworks began. She has been begging me to watch this movie for weeks... I was reluctant b/c I worried she would be afraid of Ursula...the sea "octopus" witch! Sure enough, her eyes were glued to the tv....but she did get teary eyed during a few scary moments and even asked pappou to speed up through those parts!! Poor thing!
Anyway I snapped a few pics of our day! Here are the kids in their jammies heading out to see the fireworks!
Here is Sophia in her new favorite princess jammies waving her flag as we tried to find the best spot to see the fireworks!
Just waiting for the excitement to begin... We had to keep Joe on the move so he wouldn't get too "bored" or fussy. Thank goodness we brought lots of entertainment with us....Thea and Pappou! Yiayia stayed home to take care of Willie!
Here they are...two peas in a pod....Thea and Sophia...inseparable!
Sophia had the best seat...either on Pappou's or Daddy's shoulders!
Sophia was a little nervous about the loud sounds the fireworks made. I don't blame her...they were pretty noisy!
Here we are oooohing and ahhhing over the displays... Joseph loved every minute of it...and wasn't the least bit scared. I loved how he pointed to the fireworks in the sky after each new one went off. The excitement in his face was priceless.
And finally....the last ones...Joseph almost made it through all of them. He watched the finale from the car...perfect view right through the sunroof!! :)
Happy Birthday America!!!! I am glad these little ones are becoming patriotic at an early age!!!! The 18th century has a special place in Yiayia's heart! l loved seeing how excited they were. <3
That cake is BEAUTIFUL!! Impressed as always!! Some year we will have to take them out on the lake in the boat for fireworks...that is if the boat ever goes for a voyage!! haha!
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