Yes... we have purchased the school uniform!! So I guess school is really just around the corner! Doesn't Sophia look pretty cute in her new jumper? Still can't believe my baby will be in school in just a few short weeks!
We took a very short trip to the lake for the weekend....and I got a few pics of the kids having fun!
There wasn't a whole lot of sun for our boat ride, but at least it didn't rain this time! Joseph wasn't too sure about his life was almost bigger than him... and he couldn't make up his mind about whether he wanted to be in the back or the front of the boat! Papa's lap seemed to be his favorite spot for the ride. Sophia, on the other hand is a pro at this boating thing...she knows just where she wants to be... in the driver's seat!!!!!
A few more on the boat....
Another favorite spot for the kids was the room down below on the boat....Thanks Auntie E for taking care of them down I didn't have to get sea sick! :)
Lots of snacking and movie watching.... "Little Mermaid," of course!!!
And I'll sign off with some nice and peaceful pics of our car ride home ( the first hour only, of course!!!)
I LOVE THOSE KIDDIES!!! They were too much fun this weekend. It was the best surprise to have you all come down. Can't wait for next time!!!
Little Joe looks like an angel in the last pix. I'm still crying about the 'uni'. I cannot believe our little Sophia is going to school. See how fast it's going, Lia. Summer fun will soon be something they look forward to every year now!! <3
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