I was a bit worried that Sophia would have a hard time waking up so early...but she was sooo excited when I went to wake her that she jumped right out of bed and was more than anxious to put on her uniform so she could run downstairs and surprise daddy! Doesn't she look soooo grown-up??
Sophia must have been pretty excited because she WILLINGLY posed for some pictures for me after breakfast.
Notice how the little guy snuck in the last picture? It was so cute how excited he was for his big sister! But big sister wasn't too thrilled about him trying to steal her thunder....b/c this is what she looked like seconds later....
Back to being the star for the day...and happy about it!
Just a few more pictures as we were heading out the door! Watching her wave good-bye almost made me cry! But I was happy that she was so excited!
Still happy on the car ride to school!
Here are some pictures when we arrived at school! Here is Sophia standing next to her "Sophia S" apple...we made sure it was not the "Sophia M" or the "Sophia R" apple. Who knew it would be such a popular name?
Here are a few from her classroom. I think she started to get a little nervous when she was hanging up her backpack, but by the time she got to her table she was pretty relaxed and happy! Her teacher was even nice enough to let me take a picture of the two of them.
There weren't even any tears when we left. I was so proud of MY Sophia! Even though her school is only 3 hours....Joseph and I didn't know what to do with ourselves while she was gone! Here is what my little guy found to keep him occupied till 11:15!
I even brought the camera when I came to pick her up! I tried my best to snap a few pictures as she was walking with her class. Can you spot her with her cute pink backpack?
Sophia was so excited to come home and tell us about her day! Such a change from preschool when I would ask her about her day and say it was "fine." This year she's been really good about sharing lots of details! I'm thrilled that she loves it as much as she does.
Here she is before we headed off to another Sophia's house for a pizza lunch and play....what a day!
And if the day wasn't memorable enough....I ended up in the ER trying to get relief from a number of kidney stones.... not quite the way I wanted to remember her first day of kindergarten! But I guess it is surely a day I won't forget!
Hope you have a great first year, Sophia! We are sooooo proud!
Tears of joy for our little girl. She was born we blinked, and now she's in kindergarten! How could that be. She looks like she's ready for all this excitement----look out world---her comes our Sophia. We just know she'll have a wonderful year. <3
I remember----just about 28 years ago---sending my little baby to kindergarten! How hard that was for this Mama! I still cannot believe my baby's baby is there now! <3
Congrats to Sophia....and to you for making it through the day!
By the way, the background on my blog is from Aqua Poppy Designs. I only make the headers at the top to match the backgrounds I get. However, Photoshop is worth every penny! It's so fun and there is so much to play around with. I don't think I know that much but if you buy it, let me know.
Take care!
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