I can't believe a brand new year begins tomorrow. Oh how time flies. I can't believe my hubby and I will have been married 10 years this summer. I can't believe I've known him for almost 20 years. Can't wait to see what 2010 has in store. But rather than resolutions I like to have projects in mind for the new year... I have some stirring in my head already. But for now, before I can begin a clean slate....I'll post some pictures of how our year ended.
Here are some of Santa's surprises!
Our excited little munchkins bright and early on Christmas morning...
Here are some pictures from our Santa openings!
Joseph, at times was a little more enthralled with some of Sophia's presents including this "Princess Castle," which by the way.... almost gave Santa panic attacks. Santa did NOT like purchasing this gift.....nor did he like how poorly it was made. I think Santa probably envisioned a nice old-fashioned wooden looking princess castle instead (you know...one that was more fitting in Sophia's shabby-chic room), but when you are Santa and a sweet little girl asks ever so politely for this specific castle, well I guess you just have to oblige. As for the fighting that has already begun when little J touches all the delicate pieces....well....there just is no solution.....If anyone has suggestions....I would love to hear them!
How funny that Santa likes John Deer hats just as much as Daddy.
Here is Sophia with her "Ethiopian Baby." She has already named her Sarah.
We made it to Omi and Papa's later in the day for even more presents and a yummy dinner followed by some s'mores making! Whew what a day! Sophia had so much fun making s'mores and roasting her own marshmallows....poor Joe didn't understand why he couldn't have a poker! Oh my...can you imagine the damage he would do with a poker. I won't go into detail about the crayon mark on my nice kitchen wall after he threw one of his new star-shaped crayons at the wall (when I wasn't looking, of course) and I guess I don't need to share all about how he dumped out a bottle of make-up all over my nice fabric covered bench in my bathroom....you kinda get the picture, huh?
Anyway...here are some fun pictures from our afternoon at Omi and Papa's.
Whew....so there you go....one year over and a new one about to begin. I saw this quote today and thought it had a lot to say....
"We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day!"
Wishes for Health and Happiness in 2010!