Here are my two angels opening their first presents. I always let them open one or two on Christmas Eve afternoon.
Sophia opened a book called "Just in Case You Ever Wonder," ( a great book, by the way!) and a Princess Belle. Little J opened up the tiniest truck (which he loved) and a John Deer Tractor book...courtesy of his Daddy, of course.
Later in the day we spent some time arranging our cookie plate for Santa...and let's not forget Rudolph!
All dressed and ready to go to Yiayia's for Christmas Eve. Aren't they cute?
It was a struggle...but I think we got a few pictures of the kids with us.
Once we made it to Yiayia's we dug into the presents right away! Sophia went straight for her biggest box ( I think she was a bit disappointed to find out it was not the princess castle she thought it was....that didn't come till Santa's arrival). Instead it was a HUGE craft box. I don't know where I'm going to put it....but after opening it, I decided it doesn't matter...because it has soooo many FUN things in it. Can't wait till Sophia feels better so we can dig right in.
Other hits of the night included Sophia's new Snow White costume, snow white set and doll house pieces. Joseph loved all of his...can you guess.....TRUCKS! He spent most of the night playing with his shake-it cars from Thea and his fire truck from Yiayia.
I still have Christmas morning and evening pictures to share. But for now.... a new exciting purchase I made at Michael's over the weekend with my handy 40% off coupon.... I've wanted one of these forever...
It's an organizer for all of my frosting tips, frosting colors, frosting bags, etc. I had all of the contents...but wanted one ORGANIZED place to keep them in....and this box pretty much seemed PERFECT!
Okay off to check on my sick little girl and hoping I can make it to bed at a somewhat decent hour tonight.
1 comment:
Poor poor little Sophia---when she gets it she gets it bad. I hope she starts feeling like Sophia soon!!! I am duly impressed with your 'tip' organization!!! The frosting Queen! <3 Yiayia PS---your photo shots were great----did you use manual?
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