Here's my halfway to first grader!
Ta-Da! Our magnet board looks really ready for Santa now!
We had a pretty fun afternoon crafting and of course decorating more cookies... I was hoping it would take Sophia's mind off of her "Grinch" scare at school that morning. Apparently...the Grinch came on tv in her classroom.... I have never seen this movie in its entirety, but I don't think it is horribly scary. But my Sophia....oh my....even the littlest of things scare her...even some of the animals on Joe's Noah's ark still make her a bit uneasy. When I picked her up from school Friday....everything seemed fine...at first. But as we were waiting to leave the parking lot (it was an all school early dismissal day...so strict parking lot rules and regulations were in place for the "parking quadrants" (this explanation requires another blog post)...she just broke down into tears. Was she sick? Had she been worried she would not find my car in the sea of cars that were not normally there on her daily dismissals? Was she sad she was on vacation??? I could not figure out what happened..... She finally was able to mutter the words "The Grinch came on the tv today in my classroom and my teacher had to turn it off." Her teacher turned it off, I think, because Sophia cried....POOR THING. For some reason she is TERRIFIED of this Grinch... I guess he IS kind of scary looking. I still do not know if the show just came on while the teacher was looking for another movie or if they were intending to show this movie to the class (if so...I'm wondering if it is the best choice for kindergarteners). Hmmmm...,my poor little girl has not stopped talking about the Grinch all weekend!
The Grinch was forgotten at least for a while Friday evening when we got to go sit on Santa's lap again this season. Our friends were sweet enough to invite us for a night of fun at their house because they were having a special visitor...SANTA. Sophia and Joseph sat on his lap together and got to tell him what they wanted for Christmas. Sophia told him she wanted a baby and a princess castle. I think Joseph may have even muttered the word "car" when it was his turn. I am so surprised that he is not afraid of Santa....but having Big sister right there, I think, makes it a lot easier!
Santa even entertained us with some Christmas music and guitar playing! I love how Sophia has her arm around Joseph as they were watching Santa.
The rest of the night Joe spent running around like his crazy self, eating candy canes, pushing all the toy cars he could find and going up to everyone and saying "hi" over and over. We love his friendly little self!!!! He's already flirting with the girls... oh my!
We ended the weekend with a trip to Union Station for the Christmas Train exhibit. I've been wanting to do this for a while...and Sunday was the last day. Despite our incredibly long wait (well...Brett's long wait in line.... I got to excursion around Union Station with the kids :)), the kids were excellent and enjoyed the fun things they got to see on the REAL train. And we even got to see Santa again! Joe was pretty squirmy by the end of the night...but he had been such a trooper all day!
I think I frosted my last "holiday" batch of cookies today.....kinda sad.... I always love making Christmas cookies. These were supposed to be a surprise for Christmas dinner at my mother's...but I can't wait....
So good-bye cookies...for a short while and hello cakes. I'm so excited to spend the next few days just having some fun with the kids...and of course I can't wait to see their faces on Christmas morning!!! Oh and I am praying for a white Christmas too... if that is not to much to ask! :)
What precious little angels live in your house . . . I love love love the pics of S with her arm J . . . what a sweet memory to have. Oh my, oh my, oh my - those cookies look delish and as usual PROFESSIONAL. You should sell your cookies! Can't wait for this week! It will be over before we know it so we better enjoy it! xoxo, thea
Hands Down!!! You are a fantabulous baker!!!!!! I know they will taste as good as they look. My two (little) angels (I have two big ones, you know :-) are just adorable! The innocence in their faces throughout this season is something to cherish! I love them, dearly, as you well know :-) Just a sappy Yiayia <3
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