Today was Sophia's lucky sharing day at school. In her kindergarten....a lucky day involves placing a "secret" item in the sharing can, writing three clues to share with the class, and reading the clues and trying to "stump" the class. Sophia chose her valentine's snow globe for her special surprise, and wrote out her clues on a heart-shaped paper, of course! The lucky day person also gets to supply the snack for the day. Because today was Kansas Day.... Sophia requested sunflower cookies instead of her usual cheez-its or bunny crackers! I was happy to oblige....another opportunity to practice my royal icing!!! :)
Joe got a taste of an extra cookie after lunch....he had lots of fun picking off the yellow icing....and then decided he had had enough. No need to actually eat the cookie... it was just fun to play with! :)
Besides the excitement of her lucky day... the rest of today was pretty uneventful....another cold and snowy day INSIDE...uggggh. Dear Mr. Groundhog.....I hope you will tell us that spring is near! We spent most of the day playing in the basement, making valentine decorations for the magnet board, and reading. I should say we spent some of the day doing those things. Much of my day was spent refereeing arguments. Oh my.....these two have been at each other's throats all week. Taking each other's toys, running cars into each other and I have even seen a few hits. Oh my!!!!! I lost my patience by 5:30 today,.....gave them a grouchy lecture and sent them back down the basement with stern words that there was to be NO MORE SCREAMING. Of course by the time Daddy came home....they were playing like angels. Hmmmmmm... isn't that always the way it works?
I feel like doing a "huffy" breath...just as Junie B talks about in her books! Sophia and I are on Book 9 by the way in the series. She LOVES these books....and I admit... they are kind of addictive. I read at least three chapters to her a day, but often when J is sleeping...she reads when I read the next chapter to her...she already knows what has happened. I can't believe how well she is reading and how much she LOVES it. In kindergarten and already reading, learning about the New Testament, and greater than and less than signs. Boy things sure have changed since I was in kindergarten!
Joseph is taking after his sister in the reading department....he often picks up a book and just mumbles to himself like he is actually reading the words. I can't get him to sing the alphabet song with me yet, but he does love to shout out letters during Wheel of Fortune....yes... I admit....we sometimes have that show on after dinner.....It's a little bit educational, right??? It's kind of fun trying to see who can figure out the puzzle first.
Ahhh....peace and quiet...the kids are tucked in bed and hopefully fast asleep. I hope their pink little cheeks are just chapped dry skin and not a sign of another nasty virus setting in....because tomorrow we have a date with Elmo, Big Bird, Ernie, Bert and the rest of the Sesame Street Crew...
I LOVE Junie B Jones! I'm envious...can't wait til Lola is old enough to read them with me.
Love the new pix at the top of your blog. You're getting better and better---but then again it has to be your darling subject matter. <3 Yiayia
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