Sophia is nearing her 100th Day of school in early February. When I taught... I remember my kids being really excited about this milestone.... or maybe they were excited about the 100 days celebration party we had on that day. When Sophia came home last week with a homework assignment to write all of her numbers 1-100... I thought it would be a nightmarish task. This girl likes to color, she likes to read and read and read. Numbers have never been her favorite. But I was mistaken...hugely mistaken. This girl set right to work. First we did numbers 1-10, then 1-20, and today she just hit the ground running completing the 1-50 and 1-100 pages lickety split. This girl has some drive. It seems like it was just a few short weeks ago that I was telling Brett I was soooo worried that some of her numbers were still backwards. Maybe she was just playing tricks on me...because everything today was perfect. I'm so proud of her and I absolutely LOVE her determination at every task she undertakes!
Also had to get a picture of her "craftiness" from her play date today. She was so excited about these foam hearts that she made at her friend's house today that when I picked her up...she had already envisioned just how she would hang them from her bed once she glued them together. Have I mentioned this girl is amazing...because she is. She is stubborn and headstrong and unrelenting.....but AMAZING! I love her!
1 comment:
Adorable!!!!! Would not expect any less from Yiayia's FAVORITE FIRST GRAND-DAUGHTER!!!! How can you NOT love this girl!!! My buttons are bursting! Congratulations, SOPHIA! <3
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