Wednesday, November 30, 2011


We kind of assumed that our sweet little Sammy might just be walking before he turned one...but when he walked multiple steps tonight on the eve of his 10 month birthday we were pretty surprised.... and maybe just a little excited....  (you may want to pause the music at the bottom of the blog to hear that teensy bit of excitement we all had during the video:)

I absolutely LOVE how Sophia was the first to hug and congratulate him for his HUGE accomplishment!  He simply ADORES her!

I tried to take some pictures (have to admit... I switched to auto on my camera just to make sure I didn't miss the moment)...okay... I took LOTS of pictures....  But he was such a little cutie!

Getting ready for the "take-off"...

A little wobbly...

Hmmm... I may have to stop and think about which foot goes first.....

This is fun stuff!

Look at me... I'm almost a pro!

Love how he comes for us with this "arms up" pose:)

Oh and of course Joseph will only pose for me these days when I'm trying to get pics of Sam:) Don't worry little J... I didn't forget about you.  I remember the night you walked for the first time like it was just yesterday!!!!!

So when our Sammy turns 10 months tomorrow... he will be well on his way to being a new walker!  He still is not saying "mama" :(, but he sure is saying more sounds and giggling lots (especially with crazy J).  I think he is really trying to say hi (by reaching his arm up)...and of course he is still delighting us with those bright eyed smiles even though he has been battling a nasty little cold for a few weeks now!

We love you Sammy....our hearts just keep getting bigger as you get older:)


Lindsay Schmidt said...

I LOVE the video! And you can tell that Sam was just as excited as everyone else! Go Sam and happy 10 months!

Yiayia said...

'YOU CAN DO IT YOU CAN DO IT' I watched it about 10 times and still couldn't get enough of it. Soooooooo cute. <3

koki said...

Absolutely precious all around - from our new walker to the screaming cheerleaders! Yay for little S! Xoxo, Thea

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Susansweaters said...

Oh so cute. Won't be long until he's running throught the place.