Monday, May 21, 2012

Farewell Soccer Season...

Hard to believe that Miss S just completed her 6th soccer season!!!

This little girl LOVES to play soccer.....she never wants to miss a practice or a game....and like everything else she does....when she is playing... she gives it her ALL!!!

She scored two goals during this final game of the season....not counting all the others from the previous games.  I am SOOO proud of her because Lord knows she didn't get these athletic abilities from her Mama!!!!  If you could see the smile on her face when she is running down the field.....she makes it look effortless!

Yiayia, Pappou, Thea, and Omi and Papa have been regulars at her games.....and are definitely her best cheerleaders!! 

The team ended the year with a celebratory lunch where they presented Coach T with a soccer ball with all of their signatures! Great Season Green Lanterns!!

1 comment:

Yiayia said...

We are soooooooo impressed with her abilities!!! We would love her even if she wasn't the best soccer player--but what a bonus. We adore her! ;-) <3