Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Fairy Gardens

Since before this little girl turned 8, she has been a little bit "into" fairies, I guess you could say.  At one point....she had a fairy door on her wall in her room and would anxiously await nightly notes from that magical fairy.  Her 8th birthday party of course was nothing but fairies.   All around us....I kept seeing fairy gardens pop up....at friends' houses, neighbor's, etc....  and I knew eventually we would NEED one too!

So, I decided that this summer it was finally time for us to create our own little fairy garden.  I took some advice from friends, put the troops in the car...headed to one of my favorite garden stores, and just let Sophia design this little miniature garden to her little heart's content.

She got pretty into the planning of the arrangement and even insisted that we use some blue food coloring from my cookie icing stash to make the water in the pond a pretty shade of blue!

She was pretty proud of her creation...and we had fun making it together....Now if I can just keep all the plants alive!! Haha!!!

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