Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Fourth of July 2013

We decided to hit Westwood fireworks this year which was set the day before the actual Fourth.  The kids were soooo excited for the fireworks, but S and J were possibly more excited about the sleep-over  that they had planned with Thea after.  It was a perfect day until about 2 hours before.....and, in fact, this is what the weather looked like on our drive in.  I was a little worried they would cancel the display...but thankfully as soon as we arrived the rain stopped!!!

This was the first  year that all three really enjoyed the fireworks.  Usually one gets pretty scared of the loud noise.... Sam was a little skeptical at first...but as long as I held his hand...he loved the fireworks and kept asking for more!

And just a few of the cookies to celebrate the occasion.  

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