Christmas is by far my most favorite time of the year. I love the decorations, the lights, the gift giving, the wrapping and especially the excitement from the little ones. This year was a bit more hectic as usual...but we still found some time during the busy season to do some fun Christmas things:)
Here are my three on Christmas Eve. Look at those dapper little guys decked out in their Brooks Brother's attire:)) Its hard to believe that there is almost 3 years difference between J and Sam. Sam is catching up quickly....and Sophia becomes more of a little lady every year!

The family picture....after struggling with the tripod/timer setting on my camera! Thanks for the help, Thad!
We had a wonderful Christmas Eve at Yiayia's....always great food, we leisurely opened presents....went to Mass and opened more presents. I loved sitting back and watching the kids open this year. Sam is now old enough to understand Santa it was a pretty exciting season for him!
Christmas for my little J was all about Ninjago this year. Here he is opening his Kai alarm clock! He was in heaven.
Winx fairies were the big items on Sophia's list!
And Sam has informed us this year that he would like to be a heart doctor when he grows you can imagine his excitement when he opened his very own doctor kit.:)
Santa never disappoints and brought Miss Sophia her very own iPad. She was thrilled to say the least!
Sam loved his garbage truck and car parking garage and Joseph was pretty excited about his ninjago legos and Bay Blades.
Here are just a few of the other pictures I took as we got ready to celebrate Christmas... decorating the tree....
Visiting Santa at Crown Center...
A PJ's and Polar Express party at Pottery Barn Kids with a surprise visit from the big man himself!
Sophia, Joseph, and I got to see the Nutcracker with Yiayia and Thea on a cold wintery Sunday. The perfect weather for the Nutcracker!
And last but not least ....lots of Christmas cookies for sharing and eating!
Hope you and your family enjoyed every bit of this Magical Season!
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