Tuesday, January 21, 2014

More Celebrations for SIX

Well we couldn't stop at just one party for this little guy, could we?  Over the weekend we had a belated little "mini" birthday with a few good friends from J's class.  J chose to go mini golfing with these little buddies.

Even Sammy played a few rounds.  I'm not sure if playing is the right word.  He actually liked to just pick up his ball and drop it in the hole, and maybe got a little frustrated when it wasn't his turn.  At one point he told Yiayia (who along with Thea helped me corral all the troops) "I'm not playing mini golf EVER!"

A HUGE cookie cake for this little thing...

Making wishes....

And one of his best little buds...

Once again, Sophia was a HUGE helper....and somehow I don't have her in one of my pics....she was going back and forth between groups making sure everyone was on task!!! She's such a little mini mommy!  Love her!

Okay.... I think that's it for birthday celebrations.... at least for 10 days!  HAHA!

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