Some things remain the same, however...i.e., Joseph's refusal to eat many "adult" foods. But I guess Big Sister has the magic touch! One day when he just wouldn't eat a bite for me....Sophia offered to give it a try...and sure enough...Mikey liked it!
On some of those rainy and cold days this month, we found many ways to decorate Easter eggs. Sophia and I made tissue paper eggs with blown out eggs and decorated them with sparkly modge podge. She taught me a thing or two....b/c I realized there is no such thing as too much modge podge. The more you put on the better (as long as you don't get it on your
We also colored Easter eggs with yiayia. Sophia was pretty creative....we used all different kinds of colors, kits, and stickers. She even wrote our names on them and made an Easter chick out of one! And guess what.....yiayia boiled 2 dozen eggs for us and NONE of them broke....She finally discovered the secret...a touch of vinegar to the boiling water!!! Thanks yiayia!
We celebrated Easter with Omi and Papa this year...and I got to bring the dessert... Bunny Cake of course! Sophia loves to taste the frosting to make sure it tastes just right!
The Easter Bunny hid lots of eggs and goodies at our house....and we were up early to find them! Sophia didn't care too much about the candy that was in many of them (even though it was her candy of choice...russell stover's), but she got so excited when she would find an egg. Joseph was just along for the ride. He appeared to like his freedom outside of his normally gated areas more than the actual egg hunt. However...he was pretty excited about the small basketball in one of his eggs. Sophia was pretty thrilled about her new sunglasses and watch, and wondered whether the Easter Bunny shopped at Gymboree???
Poor Joseph...looks a little tired and "red-eyed" in some of the pictures. We had to give him a dose of benadryl the night before after his entire face swelled up into one giant hive! The culprit.....the spicy mustard from my Dean and Deluca sandwich. He wanted a bite....and I was thrilled to share with him, thinking we may have actually found something he liked to eat. WRONG...He appeared to like it at first....but not for long!!
Oops...Willie thought the Easter Bunny left these chocolates for him....and yummy was it good! Thank goodness his tummy tolerates chocolate better than wheat!
After our hunt....we scrambled to get ready for Church. The kids looked adorable in their clothes...and I am sick that I was unable to get better pics. But we were short on time...and the kids were short on patience!!! :) These are the best I got....I did LOVE their outfits! Thanks Yiayia!!
Okay... I promise just a few more.... I couldn't pass these up from today. Here is how I found Sophia after a short rest time today....
And last but not least, I hope the April showers we have had will bring flowers as pretty as these...
Sophia does think she's Joe's second mama!!! They looked like little Spring flowers all in bloom even though the day was a dreary one. Your music is always something I look forward to when I check out your site. I cannot believe our Sophia is going to be 5 soon. I can close my eyes and see her mama at 5!! <3
The kids look gorgeous, as always. And I think it's hysterical that Sophia knew where the Easter bunny shopped!
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