And the highlight of the afternoon for Joseph... a stray basketball all alone waiting for him at the park! It was love at first sight....I'm not sure how I was able to pry it from his hands when it was time to go.
It was Deanna Rose today. We've been many times before...but this was our first trip this year. Sophia loved the new mining exhibit and thought sifting through sand was a pretty neat way to look for jewels....even if she did have to get her hands dirty. She loved milking the cow and of course riding the John Deer Tractors (she reported that the red ones definitely drove better than the green :). Joseph enjoyed the goats and baby cows, and tried really hard to pull the cover off the cage that housed the brand new baby chicks sitting under a warming light.
And of course the jungle gyms and slides are always a hit. I was kind of happy Sophia chose the newer playground....much less crowded with big kids and more "Joseph friendly." However....getting him back into the stroller was not an easy task. The pictures we took on the slide came before the screaming fit, obviously! :)
Anyway....both kiddos were good and tired when we got me a chance to get the kitchen floors clean. Ahhh clean floors feel soooo good....even if they only stay that way for a few hours!
Oh and this is how my laundry room looked tonight after I put the last load in.... I love it....I've always wanted a "craft room." No, I don't have the cute pottery barn table with the built in paper roll, or the dowel rod full of various ribbons, or the wrapping paper station I've always wanted....but hey we do have the crafts, right?
Maybe in my next house... I'll get the craft room with the fancy tile floors and all the fabulous storage caddies. A girl can dream...can't she? Night, night!
Oops... PS
Can't leave out this cute one of Sophia displaying her spring flowers we made today to hang from her canopy bed. Yes....the finished touch is Modge Podge to give it sparkle...she can't get enough of this stuff! We'll have to get a picture once we have them tied to her canopy! But for now... looks as though they will be drying for quite some time....There are of course multiple layers of modge podge on each flower!!!
Busy busy busy times at the Standard residence! Thea will have to join you at the park this week! xoxo
It IS a wonderful world. I love your music. Oh, me oh, my is my Sophia going to be Farmer John???? She all ready knows how to milk the cows and drive the tractor. And...I guess our little Joey is going to be a great ball handler!!! KU better get ready! <3
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