Hard to believe, but we had a huge snowfall last Saturday (the last week of March)...it is spring, right? Sophia was not feeling great the day of the big snowfall, so we postponed our snow fun till the next day...which turned out to be a great thing as the weather got warmer and the snow was super for making snowmen. We had some help from daddy and Thea, too, but here is our final snowman masterpiece....
Needless to say....our snowman melted the next day...with the 60 degree temps! That's Kansas for you. The next highlight in Sophia's week came on Wednesday when her Pappou found her Thea's old hand puppet in a box in the basement. She was so in love with this puppet... that she even went to bed with it on her hand. When I checked on her before I went to bed....it was STILL in her hand. Of course I had to run and get the camera to get a picture of this!
So that brings us to Friday. I always enjoy Fridays because Sophia doesn't have school and we can usually aim to do something fun together in the morning during Joseph's nap. I love that she is such a "crafty" little girl! She always chooses to do something artsy. This friday we made a bunny using cardstock and brads....and she thought this little guy turned out pretty cool....moveable arms and all!
And of course crafting can make a girl very hungry! So on the menu today....ice cream cone cupcakes....they look like ice cream cones but are really cones with cupcakes baked inside. They were fun to make even though I put a little too much batter in each cone. But the overflowing look gave them a more "real" dripping ice cream cone appearance! I'll just pretend that I planned it that way and forget the fact that half the batter ended up in my oven...oops!! They tasted good anyway, and Sophia and I had fun sprinkling them!
Our day ended with a long overdue promised pizza/movie party! Sophia chose to watch a strawberry shortcake movie (Strawberry seems to be the name she goes by this week.... as opposed to the usual "Wendy" from Bob the Builder, and I am "Ginger" of course because I love to bake). She was pretty excited that she got to sit right in front of the tv and eat her pizza. The cupcake cones made for a yummy dessert.
Joseph wasn't quite as into the pizza. No surprise here.... he did take a few bites of a sugar cookie that we had made earlier in the week. He thinks it is pretty funny to trick us...he takes one bite of something, pretends he likes it... motions for another...chews it...then spits it out. He still prefers baby food. To all those people who told me this was "just a stage" 5 months ago....hmmm..... I'm beginning to wonder....
And just before bath time...this is what too much sugar looks like:
Oh and by the way...the rule poster that I mentioned in my last post turned out to be such a success in our house that we made a more permanent one. You might also be able to see our attempt at our home-made Easter decorations in the first picture!
And...as for the egg whites in my hair....well that was in attempt to blow out the insides of some eggs for an Easter egg decorating project in the works....hmmm....we'll see how that turns out!
Whew... what a week!
You are AMAZING!!! Can I come live at your house?
Seriously you need to write a book about fun crafts and cooking to do with kids! It looks like you all had too much fun. I love the cupcakes!!!
What a SNOWMAN!!!!! You guys win the prize! But.....my fav. is Sophia sleeping with Thea's hand-puppet from the hospital. It's amazing how the little things in life make her soooooooo happy! And...that little guy is ALWAYS smiling! <3
Thea is exhausted just thinking about everything you do! Who knew that the hand puppet was still around? I'm glad it's found a new home outside of the box in Yiayia and Pappou's basement! xoxo
p.s. I LOVE the too much sugar picture! too funny.
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