Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sammy's SIX month Stats

Sam had his six month well-visit this week.  I love to get pictures of the kids before each of their well visits....but this time... I decided it was necessary to get a picture of ALL three.  

It is near to impossible to get a picture when all three are looking in the same direction AND smiling.  I tried desperately to get "the shot".  But in these pics....Mr. Sam was not his usual smiley was almost nap time.

And much to the olders' dismay.... I tried nap.  This time... J was being his silly squirlly self... and being stingy with his smiles.... uggghhh
Do you like how Sam is waving in this picture?

Almost got it this time....but... as you can see....J has that fake smile with the "my cheeks hurt" look on his face.

Now we have smiles....but this time Sammy decides to imitate what I was doing....he is very good at saying "OHHHH" when I am singing "Old McDonald" and "E-I-E-I- OOOOOO!"

Still not perfect...but love the brotherly love here.  Kudos to Sophia for holding that smile for soooo long!

And yay....ALL smiles....but horrible cutting off of Sophia's head!!!

As for Sam's appointment.... all went well.  He is definitely one healthy and happy little...oops...BIG boy.  He is off the charts for height and weight... (that means beyond the 97th%) .  He weighed 22.2 pounds....and I think the nurse was so astounded...that she forgot to give me the height details.  I might just have to get a job so we can afford enough food to feed this little guy!!!

He got two shots in those squeezable thighs....and cried horribly!!! Awwww.... I hate that they have to go through that.

I think his first bottom toother poked through today....I guess we can consider it a half birthday present!!!

Daddy met us at the doctor for the appointment and we thought we could all go out to lunch....haven't really done that all together all summer....but Sophia chose McDonald's to bring home....only so she could get a Smurf in the Happy Meal.  This was a huge moment for us.  This is the first time our children have actually eaten McDonald's (besides their ice cream cones).  I think Brett and I were pretty proud that we kept Sophia away from it for SEVEN whole years.  She was more of a chick-fil-A kind of gal anyway.  The verdict....  she said her happy meal was "pretty good"...J didn't like his so much .....but the toys were definitely worth it.

Summer is dwindling.....and though the kids spend much of their time playing too rough with each other...whining to me about what they should do.....etc...etc...etc.... I am sad that we will soon have to leave our summer freedoms behind.  The house will be a little quieter...and I will be a little lonelier.  So here is to a few more days of summer fun!!!

1 comment:

koki said...

wow, what a big boy SW is! Sooo cute, love the new main pic. Can't believe summer is almost over . . . now on to Halloween! :) xoxo thea