Tuesday, July 3, 2012


seems to be slipping away alarmingly fast!!!!  We finally caved and bought an inflatable pool for the patio to get us through this crazy June heat wave.  This limping Mama realized quickly she can't take all three of these littles to the neighborhood pool at once and survive the 102 degree temps....  So our at home pool is nice for the days that we can't make it to the big pool.

And of course this picture tells it all....still.in.love.with.his.broom.....And just like American Express...he "can't leave home without it," major tantrum ensued today as we tried to leave in the car without the broom....so...yep.... we had to take it in the car with us too!

The boys were being sillies in our room a few weeks ago when we were changing sheets...so I think I actually grabbed my "real" camera and snapped a few pictures....  Does he not have the best smile ever?

And of course he knows how to be plenty silly...

And he loves to see how FAR AWAY from the camera he can look when I'm trying to take a picture of him:)

And Sammy...well I'm just lucky if I can get him sitting down for a split second.

I keep thinking he is going to outgrow this "I.am.into.everything.stage"  but I'm not quite so sure....if he is not lifting up floor vents to throw toys down them, then he is trying to pull the playpen upside down, or climbing on the kitchen table, or climbing on his highchair seat so he can reach the lightswitch to turn the light off and on and on and off...., or opening the refrigerator, or throwing toys in the trash can or opening the shutters and pulling off the window locks to put in his mouth...or he is in my desk finding pencils to put in his mouth...or his latest trick is running into the pantry or cleaning closet and closing the door....so I panic when I can't find him.... oh wait...there's still more.... he knows how to open doors ....all doors...he tries to go outside on the patio and go into the garage...and even tries to open his car door before I start the car and the automatic lock kicks in.....ARRRGGGGG.....this little Sammy....he is one TOUGH cookie...but then he gives you that smile...or that big "open mouth kiss"...and you just melt...

And for once....on a little "mommy and me" trip to the pool....this little girl is NOT reading or not asking to play Moshi Monsters on my computer...

Ahhh.... I wish it could stay summer forever;)

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