Friday, October 22, 2010

Trunk or Treat

It was a NO SCHOOL day for Miss Sophia!  YAY!!!!!  Always love those days off...but oh the end of the day today..I needed a good dose of tylenol!!! One minute they were playing like best buds and the next they were arguing over someone else's finger touching their spaghettio.  Oh my!! Oh and then there was the tri-colored permanent marker incident on my nice (used to be painted white) desk.  Oh well... I've been wanting to repaint my desk anyway;)

We spent the day making shape monsters, an idea I found on one of my favorite blogs, taking a trip to Walmart for some Halloween candy and decorations, and then decorating our still  "rental" car for Sophia's Trunk or Treat party at her school.  She  was soooo excited about this we had to miss last year's when she was sick.  I am soooo thankful that the rain held off so we didn't have to miss this year too!

Sooo glad these little guys got to wear their costumes tonight.  Halloween always comes and goes so I'm glad they got to have some fun in these costumes for more than one night.  I must admit... I was not thrilled when they wanted to be Toy Story characters ( I love the movie...but it just wasn't my idea of a wildly cute and unique costume).  But once they were dressed.....I changed my mind.  YEE-HAW.....Yodel-eh-he-hoo!!! Aren't they the cutest Jessie and Woody you have ever seen????? (even after they get permanent marker all over my house??????)

Here are just a few from the evening...

It should be a spooky week!!!  Nite...nite...


yiayia said...

AWWWWWWWWWWWWW! I waited up till it got posted!!!! I'm so glad the rain waited for the cowgirl and cowboy!!! You can just see how much fun they had. That mini looked like it worked out well!!! Good decorations!! <3

koki said...

cutie petuties!! can't wait for halloween! xxooo thea