Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Baby don't you cry...we're gonna make a pie...

It was pie day at our house yesterday after we brought home a 5 lb bag of apples from Louisburg over the weekend! Sophia loves to bake just like her mama! So during Joseph's nap, she was eager to put on TWO aprons at once and get out her pink rolling pin. She skillfully rolled out cookies out of the left over pie crust dough! Though her cookies were pretty much flour PACKED....they did actually turn out and she was sooo proud of them. I was thrilled that I actually got her to taste at least ONE bite of the finished pie. She does not typically like pie....especially if it has fruit in it, but she wanted me to make a pie because her class is going to make an apple pie this week (they are studying the letter A). She determined that she'd better try mine before she tried apple pie at school. Needless to say.....the ice cream was her favorite part! If I knew how to post the song from one of my favorite movies "The Waitress" I would... b/c it was what I sang to her while we baked..."Baby don't you cry, were gonna make a pie....gonna make a pie with a heart in the middle!"

Monday, September 29, 2008

Cider Mill

We have tried to make the Louisburg Cider Fest a tradition in our house when Fall arrives. Typically that involves driving to Louisburg....picking out a bag of apples for pie making and then eating lots of the yummy cider donuts. This year, however, Miss Sophia was much more interested in doing the bounce house and the inflatable obstacle course. Brett and I were shocked! Last year she would not have gone near either of these....she was too nervous to be around that many other children in such close quarters. So of course when she asked us to do these this year...she didn't even have to beg. She didn't want to ride the ponies like last year...because this year she "is 4"! "I am brave!" were here words. I think it has something to do with being in the Brave Bears room in preschool. Anyhow...she did make it up the steep obstacle course and all the way down ( I had to go with her the first time....too bad we don't have pictures of that... I am afraid of heights!)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Curious Joe

This is Joe. He was a good little monkey and always very curious....

Friday, September 26, 2008

A Different Breed

Joseph had his appointment at Children's Mercy this week to evaluate his reflux. The doctor was the same one we had seen for Sophia last year. We began talking about the differences between them and between boys and girls in general. We joked about how Sophia was very content to sit and read books. Joseph, however, finds toddling and crawling around his favorite past time . The doctor laughed and said, yes, "Boys are a different breed." I couldn't have said it better myself.
Our little guy is quite the squirmer. Even in our arms, he likes to move constantly. He always wants to see what is going on, and doesn't want to miss a bit. I love to watch him crawl with his right leg kicking out behind him as he goes. And I am always amazed at how fast he can get from where I set him down to somewhere across the room. This week he has discovered Willie's kennel, and loves to peek his head in and open and close the door. He also loves to crawl behind the green chair in our hearth room and open and close the shutter on the window (btw, Brett, don't you need to fix that???????). And his most favorite thing of all is to find a chair or a step stool and push it back and forth across the wood or tile floor and hear the sound it makes. He is content doing that for 15 minutes straight or until big sister gets upset that he is touching her chair. He loves to stand up against chairs and ottomans and "hammer" them with his cute little hands. I love to watch him play with his tractor, the red wagon, and the little people bus. He takes all of the toy people out and turns each upside down just to be able to see the wheels move...every time! He is a mover, he loves to make noise, he is a squirmer...he is a boy through and through and I love him more every day!


For the last few months, all we have heard about from Sophia is how she really needs a new bike helmet and a TWO wheel bike. She is a pretty devoted "Franklin" fan and loves to remind me how Franklin and all of his friends already have two wheel bikes. And even though they don't have PINK training wheels, Sophia wants to be just like them.
One of our older neighbors recently told Sophia that she had an old "two wheel." Sophia jumped at the opportunity to practice riding it. Needless to say, the bike was without training wheels, a bit wobbly, and a tad bit too big. But Sophia thought everything about it was the greatest. When our neighbor offered to give it to her, she had it in our garage in a matter of minutes. Brett and I really wanted a two wheel to be a gift from Santa this year, but being that she won't be able to ride much in December weather, we agreed now might be a good time to have a "practice" bike. Brett quickly put together training wheels (though unfortunately we could not find pink) and adjusted the seat, and Sophia was off and running. She is still learning how to "brake," without using the porch steps to stop her, but all in all, she is really becoming a pro at her "two wheel," as she calls it! Thankfully we have had beautiful summer like weather this week, because she rides it with every chance she gets!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Rain, Rain Go Away!!

It feels more like spring here than the beginning of Fall. We have had a few rainy days lately. Sophia saw her first rainbow...well actually...she couldn't see it in the sky, but was able to see it in the picture I took. We've been hanging out inside a lot lately! Only one week of school and Sophia already caught her first cold. Poor thing! Then, of course, she shared it with Joseph. Poor little guy....when he gets a cold...he gets it!!! But we still get those same Joseph smiles out of him, as long as we aren't trying to get the yuckies out of his nose. Joseph turned 8 months this week...and is he ever on the go! He is beginning to crawl and LOVES to pull himself into standing position while holding on to things. He exhausts me! And thanks to Sophia, we got plenty of updated pictures last weekend while playing inside on one of those rainy days. She really should consider photography for a profession!!!
PS....A special prayer today for all those who suffered seven years ago today.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Bravest Bear!

It's back to school already! I can't believe how the summer FLEW by! Today was Sophia's first day in her 4 year old preschool class. She was sooo excited to go. I was thrilled that she wasn't scared! She really thinks she is a big girl....and is finally happy about this. For so long...she kept telling us she wanted to be a baby! In the last few weeks she has insisted on waking up on her own and getting herself dressed. It's a riot. A few nights ago after I fed Joseph, I checked on her when she was sleeping and noticed that she had neatly arranged the clothes we had chosen for the next day, and had selected appropriate jewelry to match right down to the best fitting princess rubber band for her hair. It was all spread neatly on her bathroom floor (where she gets dressed) so she would be ready to get dressed on her own. The only problem was....she would often wake up pretty early and think it was time to get ready. I would hear the little pitter patter of her feet moving around upstairs. She is now anxiously awaiting the alarm clock (that blows kisses) that her Yiayia has ordered for her so she knows exactly when it is time to get up.

This morning, I was sure she would be dressed and ready when I went to get her....but she was still asleep. I was a little worried that she did not feel well or had not slept well overnight because she was nervous for her big day today. But apparently she wasn't too nervous, maybe just tired from all of our outside play and picnics over the weekend. There were no tears as I walked her to her classroom, and when I picked her up (after an EXTRA long day ...9:00-1:30, she even got to bring her own lunchbox) she proudly told me "I didn't miss you at all, mommy!" Of course my heart was a little sad that she didn't miss me, but I was overjoyed that she had such a good day at school. I remember not liking school and missing my mother terribly when I was in kindergarten. It was a horrible feeling.. and I am so glad Sophia has not experienced that. She is so much more brave than I ever was!!! I am thrilled that her school makes her feel so at ease and comfortable! She immediately came home and wanted to draw a picture for her teachers. A good sign! Let's hope the rest of the school year fares this well!